University Interview Coaching
Home / Services / University Interview Coaching Book Free ConsultationOxford & Cambridge interview
If you are looking for a place at Oxford or Cambridge it is more likely that you will have a panel interview rather than Multi Mini Interviews (MMI). Refer to the MMI coaching pages of this website if you have a series of interview stations. Panel interviews are often required for entry on a competitive Master’s programme. You only get one chance and interview coaching will help you succeed. It is essential that you can build rapport quickly, demonstrate motivation and answer challenging questions with clarity.
Universities’ requirements
Criteria | Judge |
Subject enthusiasm | Intellectual curiosity for the subject Gumption & passion |
Genuine motivation to study | Eagerness to learn and excel. Evidence of application and tenacity |
Lateral & critical thinking | Evidence outside your current curriculum. Evidence that you can think and enjoy intellectual stimulation & debate |
Maturity & stability | Looking for evidence of self-awareness, adaptability and being grounded |
Are you likable? Would they enjoy tutoring you? | Open, warm and friendly. Evidence of team work |
Clear critical thinking | Ability to think, hold an opinion, compare & contrast, acknowledge different opinions |
Oxbridge & Cambridge interview coaching
The right preparation can make a huge difference to your success as it is essential to build rapport quickly, communicate clearly and succinctly. We recommend two 90 mock interview coaching sessions one or two weeks apart, the first focused on preparation and then second on practising a range of interview questions. It doesn’t matter what degree course you re applying for. The better your prepare and the more you practise the less intimidating these interviews are.
Recent successes
“Having been rejected from Cambridge last year, I can’t believe that I got a place to at Oxford. You completely changed my approach to the whole interview and I can’t thank you enough. Difficult questions just didn’t seem so impossible any more and I’ll never see a mirror in the same way again!” Tom, Oxford.
“Just wanted to let you know that yesterday I’ve received an offer from UCL to study medicine from September 2019!! I am over the moon and extremely grateful for all your help. I definitely had a few inquisitive questions and I would not have been able to answer them without the preparation. I’m still waiting for replies from the other three universities but I think UCL is my first choice anyway and now that all my interviews are done I can relax a bit.” Emilia, Medicine.
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Coaching fees
You may wish to receive a Preparation session, followed by a Mock interview or some graduates prefer to choose our flexible graduate coaching programme. Click here for details on coaching fees. The best approach is to book a Free Consultation or Contact us to discuss your individual needs.