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Recruitment Training

Bespoke Recruitment Strategy|Plan|Training
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We can design a 1/2 day or full day bespoke in-house Recruitment Training Course for Hiring Managers  to support your current recruitment strategy or as part of a new recruitment solution to attract and retain talent.

Typical recruitment training learning outcomes are:

  • Introduction to different interviewing techniques; competency, strength, situational and value based questions and the strengths and weaknesses of each approach
  • Matching the criteria of the job description and person specification
  • Preparing a range of interview questions, supporting the Interviewer Guide provided
  • Preparing an evaluation criteria
  • Conducting an informal but structured interview appropriate to a first stage interview
  • Learn active listening, questioning and probing techniques
  • Assess a candidate’s non-verbal communication and be mindful of the interviewer’s body language.
  • Be aware of psychological biases which can filter our perception of others
  • Understanding the impact of interview anxiety and how to get the best out of the candidates

Training courses can be provided in-house or online.

Recruitment & selection process

We can help design or improve your recruitment and selection process to recruit the best person for the job and organisation.  Once you have sourced and attacting the right talent, you want a  consistent and high  quality interview process in place to empower the Hiring Managers to select the strongest candidate.

Typical recruitment problems

  • Attracting the right candidates
  • Testing skills and desired behaviours
  • Reflecting your brand and values
  • Hiring too slowly
  • Hiring inconsistently, relying on the instinct of Managers
  • Hiring on technical skills not behaviours

We can help you at each stage in the recruitment process:

  1. Recruitment Strategy. Hiring and retaining the best talent for your business starts with a Recruitment Strategy and Recruitment Plan to attract, select and hire the best candidates to meet your business needs. As well as helping defining your recruitment requirements,  we can design the recruitment process drawing on an indepth understanding of behaviour, strength and value based interviewing techniques. We can help you establish what are the most effective methods of recruitment for your business and whether your Managers have the skills needed to delivery consistent, quality recruitment:
    1. attract the best talent
    2. streamline your selection process
    3. consistently hire for behaviours and values as well as skills
    4. provide a memorable candidate experience reflecting your brand
    5. develop the skills and confidence of your hiring manager
    6. hire for diversity and inclusion
  2. Interview Design and Assessment. A blended interviewing approach could include both behaviour competency, value based, situational or strength based interviewing techniques. We design both Interviewer and Assessment to improve the quality  and consistency of hiring decisions
  3. Recruitment Training for Managers to ensure Managers have the confidence and skills to conduct the interview. The best practice assessment principles FORCE is a useful acronym to reinforce best interviewing practice. Familiarise, Observe, Record, Classify and Evaluate
  4. Employment Equality Training For Manager covering Diversity and Unconscious Bias which could be limiting the quality of your recruits and be a risk to the business
  5. Design a Reference Check System to check Right To Work and candidates references
  6. Design Onboarding system to support and retain new recruits, reflecting your brand and values

Poor recruitment is costly, not just in terms of the cost of the hiring process but high turnover of staff, low staff morale, delayed projects and customer service.

Book Free Consultation to discuss your recruitment objectives and how we can help.

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