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  1. Jane Y

    I had a combined session with Elizabeth covering competency interviews and a presentation task, following suffering from feelings of pressure, nerves and anxiety! Elizabeth equipped me with some key things to practice, which were instrumental in turning my feelings into confidence and being in control. I think it made all the difference as having just landed a great contract role, the feedback on what clinched it vs the other final candidate was my passion and enthusiasm for their brands and business. I would definitely work with Elizabeth again, just to ensure I’m at the top of my game before the next big interview.

    • elizabeth

      I am so pleased for you. All you needed was a confidence boost and I knew it wouldn’t take you long to get a position you wanted. It a highly competitive role exuding more enthusiasm and energy can make the difference between top candidates. Enjoy the new challenge.

  2. Paul Brooker

    I had two sessions with Elizabeth ahead of an interview for a senior civil service post and really benefited from her specific and constructive guidance. Elizabeth manages to be encouraging and sternly unequivocal at the same time, and tailors her advice well. Having ‘homework’ between sessions was very helpful in enabling much clearer preparation for the real-life situation of an interview. As well as being specifically useful interview preparation, I found the sessions very positive in promoting wider self-reflection on my own leadership style and areas for development.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Paul. I am glad I was able to help although I didn’t realise I was stern! I think I was quite tough with you because at Director level I knew you could do it. However, I’ll work on my softer side.

  3. Maya

    I applied for an HEO position at the Civil Service. I had no idea how to improve my scores but after the first telephone call with Elizabeth it was clear she knew the ins and outs of how the interviews are marked. We went through the competency questions and scenarios in detail, and at each stage she provided me with feedback and coached me so that I could draw upon my own experience and make the answers stronger. I was successful at interview at both roles that I applied for. Apart from this, I found Elizabeth to be an experienced, kind and encouraging coach. I think she really cares and that’s not something that you come across every day. She was easy to get ahold of via email whenever I had a question and I’m grateful for all her help. Thank you Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      Thanks for you generous comments. I think the civil service interviews are some of the hardest but if you spend time getting depth into the stories, it pays off with a great result. Well done.

  4. Lloyd

    I’ve had so many interviews this year approaching 10 but kept not getting the job. My CV was really good so getting an interview was fine, but I couldn’t really sell myself. I had a meeting with Elizabeth on a Thursday before my next interview which would occur on Monday. She highlighted that I wasn’t selling myself and really helped me provide really strong answers. More than anything she gave me the confidence that I needed to know I could get a job.Elizabeth showed me where I was going wrong and what I needed to do to improve. I spent the weekend working on the points she told me to concentrate on.During the interview on Monday I was able to give vary clear answers and knew now that I was actually answering the question. Leaving the interview I knew I had done my best. Well it paid of as yesterday I was told I got the job and start in a few weeks. I will definitely recommend Elizabeth’s services. She knows and has a passion for what she is doing and I know she helped me get the job.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Lloyd, thank you. I am so pleased that I was able to help. Anxiety was just getting in the way of you being yourself and being such an analytical thinker was making it more difficult to answer simply. You just need a boost in confidence and better preparation. Enjoy the new role.

  5. Stuart cross

    Elizabeth was so helpful in explaining what interviewers were after and she gave me the skills to get my story across in a way that gave them what they needed. It’s one thing having the answers, and another thing being able to articulate them. Elizabeth’s experience and expertise were invaluable. Thanks.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Stuart. Well done for getting the MD position. You had all the skills and experience and just need a little help in promoting yourself and projecting the energy and gravitas expected. Enjoy the new challenge.

  6. James

    Elizabeth was incredibly beneficial in preparing me for my interview as a pilot with British Airways. As I am now working there I can only assume it was a successful outcome! I can truly put most of the success down to her coaching, techniques and the practices I did with her – both via Skype and face-to-face. She clearly explained what I should be looking to achieve in each question I was likely to face, made me improve my interview style and was brutally honest about the items I needed to work on. She has a great deal of information about the specifics of the interviews and the video reviews of the interviews were incredibly worthwhile. If you are looking for any help with techniques for corporate interviews I cannot recommend her highly enough.

    • elizabeth

      Hi James, it’s good to hear from you again. Thanks for the review. I am glad the simulation test went well after the interview. British Airways are highly sought after and really tough to get in but you did it! Fantastic, well done

  7. Phil

    I am in no doubt that I owe my interview success to Elizabeth. I came to her after a tough year at work, too many rejected applications and one particularly disastrous interview. Crippled with self-doubt, I had nothing good to say about myself. Elizabeth used her thorough understanding of how government competence-based interviews work to help me construct compelling stories that gave clear evidence of my skills, abilities, experience and knowledge. Armed with well-prepared answers and Elizabeth’s helpful guidance on self-presentation, I was able to approach my interview with confidence and give a good account of myself. I am very grateful to Elizabeth for her expert coaching and, yes, it was worth absolutely every penny!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Phil, thank you for your generous comments but you know you got the job, not me. You’ve got excellent skills and experience and I really hope that with this new promotion you’ll start to believe this. Think about how you can be promote your achievements more internally so that you see greater recognition from colleagues which in turn will grow your confidence. Enjoy the new environment.

  8. Andy

    Just found out that I was successful in a recent interview after receiving coaching from Elizabeth. Can’t thank her enough. The best money I have spent. She really gets what’s required in an interview and has a great way of communicating that to people. If you’re serious about passing your next job interview you need to speak to Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Andy. I am delighted it worked out. Civil Service interviews are particularly challenging and time-consuming to prepare for. You deserve the promotion and now you have a greater understanding of the assessment process you can use this for the next level too!

  9. Eva

    I met Elizabeth in a difficult period of my life. I was getting interviews but I always failed. I felt frustrated. The great thing was that she was very empathetic and made real efforts to find out what would be the best choice for me. She highlighted interview mistakes I was not aware of and improved the way I communicate. I also got closer to find out what is the job that would suit me. I managed to get two jobs since our sessions, both of them are positions I really wanted. It took me a long time but finally I am getting my confidence back. I would definitely recommend her coaching sessions.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Eva, I am so pleased that you have found two jobs which you really enjoy and importantly that you feel so much more confident.Find times to celebrate – even for lots of small successes along the way as this does build self confidence.

  10. Jelena Nedeljkovic

    Thank you very much Elizabeth, the coaching was perfectly targeted to some challenging interview questions. I haven’t had an interview for four years and coaching helped me to target those questions on a more senior level. Also, you helped me to develop my own authentic examples and improve my confidence. Furthermore, I found coaching in regards to my body language, voice and tempo incredibly helpful as I had the tendency to rush through answers. The end result was a bit unexpected as I was offered a contract after my first interview for the job I wanted. I know that coaching played a fundamental part in this. Thanks again!

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Jelena. You had excellent skills and experience for the role and we just need to make sure that the interviewers could see this too. And they did! Well done.


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