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  1. Andy B

    Elizabeth is a superb interview coach, who works hard to understand your needs and provide tailored support for each client. She successfully coached me for a senior-level policy role; and as a result of both her practical and tactical guidance, I was offered the role I was interviewed for! Elizabeth provided me with a real sense of confidence, asking tough but realistic questions to prepare me for the interview, and working closely with me to build effective competency-based answers. As a result of the session, I felt able to approach my interview with confidence, and to deliver taut, well-structured answers that did justice to my skill set and expertise. Elizabeth enabled me to overcome a lack of recent interview experience, and to consider and respond to questions in the most effective way. I wanted to commit to interview coaching as an investment in my professional future, and I would definitely consider it as value for money. I look forward to working with Elizabeth again!

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Andy for your generous comments. I am glad I was able to help. You had all the skills and experience and just needed some interview practice and a confidence boost. I am sure you’ll enjoy the new challenge!

  2. Ketan Dave

    What can I say about Elizabeth that has not already been said? I saw Elizabeth less than a week before my Civil Service interview, (SEO post). In just 2 sessions, she coached me to sail through the interview and have received a provisional offer. Bearing in mind I have been unemployed for over a year and in that time I had attended numerous interviews – all unsuccessful. This is all about self-investment. Invest a little bit of your time and money with Elizabeth and the rewards will follow. Thanks again Elizabeth. Could not have done it without you!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Ketan, you did really and I am so pleased for you. I am back from holiday this week and looking forward to catching up with you.

  3. Sharon North

    I have always been incredibly nervous at interviews and this has impacted on my performance. After a particularly disastrous experience, I decided to seek some professional help. It’s always hard to choose someone without a recommendation but as soon as I contacted Elizabeth I knew that she was right for me. I started off with a Skype session to help me improve my Civil Service competency based applications. Elizabeth is tremendously knowledgeable and packed the session with sound advice, all recorded to play back later. She has great insight and helped me understand my weaknesses and the areas to improve on my applications. Some time later, I followed up the initial session with a face to face appointment before an important interview. I’d had a couple of recent interviews and was still with struggling nerves. I was a wreck when I saw Elizabeth as even the thought of practising in front of her filled me with dread but she wasn’t fazed by this and explained it was just interview anxiety. She had some excellent strategies to help me cope and patiently coached me through my interview examples. Elizabeth highlighted my strengths and constructively pointed out areas that required further work, with suggestions on what was required. The session really boosted my confidence and helped me focus on selling myself at interview. It worked – I got the job! I cannot recommend Elizabeth highly enough. I always admire people who excel at their job and Elizabeth excels! Thank you so much.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Sharon, thank you for your generous comments. I am pleased the coaching helped and delighted in your success. You worked really hard throughout and deserve the promotion. Enjoy it!

  4. Fiona

    Thanks very much, Elizabeth. The coaching sessions are very helpful. Only 2 month I got a job offer. I would highly recommend Elizabeth’s coaching session, her advice is very helpful for the candidates who failed interviews or graduated student who first time looking for a job. She pointed out my problems for answering interview questions and was very patient to help me to improve my interview skills.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Fiona, you did really well and you’ve got a great opportunity now to improve your English and get the experience you needs. It’s challenging starting your career when English is not your first language and you were coping with cultural differences at well. I know you’ll work hard but remember to give yourself time off to have fun as well!

  5. Soo

    New to the UK, I realised that the interview marking system is quite different to what I was used to. I decided to be coached by Elizabeth because she has a background in my field (communications). Her interview questions for me were relevant! She also predicted some questions that were going to be asked in my interview, and even though I didn’t get that job, I learnt a lot. I used the same skills and kept on practising until the right company hired me.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Soo, I am so pleased for you. It actually didn’t take you long to adapt to the competency based interviews in the UK and with your experience you should have seen success sooner. As you know, I think as you were held back by
      not having a current UK Press network, even though it wouldn’t have taken you long to establish a network. It was frustrating for you but now you can move on. Enjoy the new challenge.

  6. Angelina

    I decided to book 2 consultations with Elizabeth as I was really struggling with interviews and especially the format, namely the competency based interviews.
    Elizabeth has an extensive knowledge in coaching, of various industries and roles, a lot of patience and did give me some invaluable advice and tips which helped tremendously, and after initially one failed interview, I managed to land a new role! I would highly recommend Elizabeth for coaching as her method is spot on and with practice, as Elizabeth will never say enough, you will get there. You will remember what to do right in terms of preparation ( and I don’t mean looking up a company’s website) and how to conduct yourself at an interview.
    In other words, Elizabeth will give you your confidence back and guide you to success!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Angelina, you’ve excellent skills and experience and just needed a little help to recognise this and learn how to tell stories promoting yourself. Working in one company for so long had knocked your confidence so I am so pleased you’ve now got the promotion you deserve.

  7. Gin

    I failed several interviews before I received advice from Elizabeth. She pointed out what the interviewers are looking for and gave me thorough advice during two sessions. At last I was offered a dream job I applied for. I totally recommend this coaching clinic. It is easy to make an appointment and she is flexible to adjust her time. Many thanks to Elizabeth for making my dream come true.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Gin. It was a tough interview which is expected for a senior position but your experience shone through. I am pleased I was able to help you.

  8. Danielle

    I totally recommend Elizabeth. She helped me improve my interview skills, gave me great tips and even helped me improve my confidence. I received a job offer 2 weeks after our last session! Thank you Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Danielle, I am so pleased you got the job you wanted. Once you’re back in a challenging role in a great new environment your confidence will quickly come back and you’ll go from strength to strength. I am sure you’ll do well and I am glad I was able to help.

  9. Dave McCreight

    I highly recommend Elizabeth Conley. Elizabeth’s advice, guidance & feedback has helped me greatly. I was made redundant in September last year, following this I struggled to tackle the interview selection process effectively, and so after a few rejections needed to do something about it! I saw a few similar types of interview skills services online but decided to use Elizabeth mainly based on the website and her virtually immediate response once I’d explained my situation in an e-mail. We met F2F in London, where she really helped me by understanding where I was going wrong both in terms of verbally and body language. Getting an understanding of how the interview process really works in 2017 was massively important and something that Elizabeth’s expertise really stands out! After one session I managed to get offered a position working for a growing financial company, which is the role i’d been looking for, after a 3 stage selection process; that I’m now due to start soon. In addition to this I was offered another role, after a 3 stage interview process, which I’m awaiting the outcome of at time of writing. Elizabeth stayed in touch even after our session by e-mail to ask how I was getting on, providing great encouragement and so I was so pleased to tell her about my success. Her help and support was key gave my confidence a real boost and I will be using her again. I would advise anyone who is in a similar position, or who need wants to enhance their existing technique, to get in touch with her as she has great knowledge, understanding and provides the client with with tools to deliver a winning interview.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Dave, thank you. It’s not surprising that being made redundant knocked your confidence and I am sure that this new role will help to remind you of the valuable skills and experience you’ve got. I am pleased to hear that there’s opportunities for promotion which will be ideal for you. Enjoy being back at work!

  10. Sarah Archer

    After struggling with interview nerves for over 6 months Elizabeth’s coaching helped me gain the mental clarity to approach interviews with confidence. Her feedback on my interview style, support with behavioural-based questions and guidance on what interviewers were looking for based on her own knowledge of my company and sector was invaluable.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Sarah. You just needed a boost in confidence so that your nerves weren’t getting in the way of believing in yourself and promoting the skills and experience you offered. I am sure you’ll love the job!


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