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  1. Guillermo

    I came across Elizabeth by doing a simple Google search and she, quite literally, changed my life. I got in touch with her because I was tired of impressing recruiters with my written application to then fail at interviews. I had never done any one-to-one coaching of any kind prior to this, so I was a bit wary of the effectiveness of her work. But all I can say now is that I wish I had found her sooner! She helped me to get my stories straight so that I could impress recruiters, to focus my interview answers on what they were looking for and to come across as a confident, prepared and valuable applicant. Thanks to Elizabeth’s coaching, I got my dream job – without exaggerating.
    Thank you, Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      Fantastic Guillermo. It’s great that you are so excited about this role. I am sure you’ll do well and maybe it a few years I can help your further with promotion.

  2. Andy Mahony

    I sought Elizabeth’s help after repeatedly hitting a brick wall with my job hunting. I rarely got offered an interview and never got a job offer. I work in the public sector and found competency based interviews to be a mystery. How do you apply the STAR technique without a) a photographic memory, and b) sounding like a scripted robot? Elizabeth not only answered these questions but also took a critical look at my CV. I found the videos of our mock interviews to be hard and uncomfortable viewing. However, they made it so much easier to see and hear where I was going wrong. I highly recommend getting videoed no matter how much it makes you cringe! Unlike interview books (and some coaches) that expect you to memorise ‘100 great answers’ Elizabeth takes a different and far more sensible approach. Elizabeth not only teaches you what makes a great answer and how to formulate it easily, but also emphasises the importance of tone, body language and enthusiasm in your interview. Following our coaching session I went to my next interview a few days later feeling far better prepared and more relaxed. I was not only offered the job but also offered a salary higher than that advertised – without negotiation. I have seen a few interview coaches now – the only one I’ll be going back to is Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Andy, I am glad I was able to help. It was really about acknowledging your own strengths and the strategic value you bring. Once we did this it didn’t take long for you to see the success you wanted. You haven’t got long now before you start. It will be worth the waiting. Many thanks for the review.

  3. Gemma Wills

    I am in my final year of university and in the process of applying for a lot of graduate schemes. I saw you a few months ago because I had appalling interview anxiety which led to tears even with just saying the word ‘interview’. You put me at ease almost instantly and offered really useful information and strategies. There were practice routines to build my confidence which I have been doing weekly for the past 3 months. Two days ago I had my first interview and it went really well. I was myself and managed to answer the questions in the structure that you recommended with the same feeling of confidence I would have with a family member. The best part is, at no point in the interview did I get close to crying! Whether I get the job or not, now I know I can go to interviews feeling myself and without fear of making a complete fool of myself. I will be recommending you very highly to others in the future.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Gemma, I was so pleased to read this review and I’ll be giving you a ring later. You’ve really turned a corner, well done! You can now go forward to interviews with confidence. You’re a student who’s really made the most of University and these experiences will pay-off in your interviews.

  4. Jason

    I recently sought Elizabeth’s help when applying for Civil Service roles on promotion. After having three interviews and not getting anywhere I decided to have a Skype coaching session a week before my next interview. One session with Elizabeth completely changed the way I delivered my competency examples in the interview. Elizabeth’s advice was hugely helpful on what was important and how to get across for a senior level position within the Civil Service. The following interview I was successful in getting the promotion. It was definitely worth the investment and I will use Elizabeth’s coaching session next time I’m looking for a promotion. Thank you again Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Jason, thanks for your review. You really took on board my advice and this can be difficult to do this when you’ve got used to a certain style and structure, particularly when we only had time for one Skype session. Well done! Thanks very much for the recommendation.

  5. Frances Redpath

    Elizabeth’s coaching made all the difference to me. I struggled with several interviews, coming out feeling I had underrepresented myself and losing confidence every time. Elizabeth showed me how to present what I thought of as weaknesses as strengths, and to break down and explain my experience and how it was relevant to the role. She also went through a lot of little tips around body language and tools to help me present myself better, which really helped me focus and gave me a lot of confidence. I actually had two interviews in one week, and in one I was progressed to round 2, while in the other I was offered the job. I am very grateful, and so pleased I chose her for coaching.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Frances, you have strong communication skills but were less comfortable about promoting yourself. As you say each rejection reduces confidence a little more. I am glad coaching gave you the boost you needed and ways to highlight experience which is valued by the interviewer.

  6. Leigh

    Elizabeth’s coaching was a great help in securing a role at a Big 4 accounting firm. She helped me improve my presentation and confidence. Particularly valuable was going through lots of practice questions and preparing for all types of question that could come up at an interview. It made me feel much more confident going into the interview and knowing that I could deal with pretty much any question thrown at me. I highly recommend Elizabeth’s coaching for anyone who’s not had much recent interview experience and needs to improve confidence.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks you Leigh. Going through redundancy can be very challenging and reduces confidence. We are able to work together to remind you of some of your skills strengths and the value of your skills and experience. Believing in yourself is essential when going into an interview. Enjoy the new role.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Leigh, many thanks for your review. Going through a redundancy is a challenge and tends to lower confidence. The coaching helped to remind you of your key strengths, skills and experience and be better prepared for an interview. Enjoy the challenge of the new role.

  7. Tin

    After resigning from a job in difficult circumstances, I got lots of interviews, but no offer. My anxiety and worry about being perceived as unreliable probably showed in the interviews and held me back. I saw Elizabeth hoping to understand what I was doing wrong and found the session extremely helpful. I was offered a job after the next interview. Elizabeth’s advice made all the difference to my preparation and self-perception. I recommended her to my partner, who was also offered the next job she interviewed for after seeing Elizabeth, having also had several interviews before with no offer! I would definitely recommend Elizabeth’s services, which have made a huge difference to us.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Tin, it was great to work with both yourself and your partner and I am so pleased for a fabulous result. Both of you are highly skilled and experienced. Being out of work causes a great deal of interview anxiety. I hope you are going into the New Year with much more confidence.

  8. Reem

    A friend recommended that I booked a session with Elizabeth after having no luck in the job applications that I was sending off. I am so glad that I followed that recommendation because Elizabeth’s advice and guidance has proved invaluable. Elizabeth took the time to thoroughly analyse my applications and pointed out areas that could be improved and offered simple, but effective, tips on how to strengthen my applications – things that I wouldn’t have known to do without her guidance. She was also extremely efficient and responded to emails and phone-calls promptly, and even managed to arrange a Skype session with me on short-notice so that I could prepare for my first interview. Having recently accepted an offer for a new job, I do think that Elizabeth was instrumental in helping me secure this. She helped to make my applications stronger, offered excellent advice prior to interviews, and even conducted a mock interview for me, which helped me to prepare for interviews. After working with Elizabeth, I also feel a lot more confident in my capabilities. I would definitely recommend Elizabeth to anyone that needs interview/application guidance.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Reem, thank you for your kind comments. It’s easy to get stuck at the application stage but we only needed to make a few changes to make the difference. The hardest part is knowing what to change. For the interview you just needed a boost in confidence. Enjoy the new role.

  9. Lisa

    I recently sought Elizabeth’s help when applying for Civil Service roles on promotion. It had been several years since I had done formal interviews and I knew I wasn’t quite hitting the mark but didn’t know why. One session with Elizabeth completely transformed my performance, and she gave me hugely helpful advice on what was important to get across for a senior level position in the CS. One additional phone session and I was successful on my next interview. It was one of the best investments I have ever made and I wholeheartedly advise anyone in the same position to seek her help. Thank you Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Lisa, thank you. You did fantastically well! After years of preparing for the formal civil service competency interviews it’s difficult to adapt to the blended competency and strength based approach particularly at leadership levels. Enjoy the new challenge.

  10. Kim

    I fully recommend Elizabeth’s interview coaching. She gave me lots of advice and tips on how to structure my examples for an internal competency based interview. Practicing the questions in a mock interview also greatly decreased my anxiety on the day of the interview. I got the role and the feedback I received from the interview was that my answers were very good. I know my answers wouldn’t have been as strong if Elizabeth hadn’t shown me how to develop them to fit the role in question.It was well worth the investment and I now have a better understanding of how to prepare for future interviews.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Kim, you deserve the role. Internal promotions are always tricky and this was a difficult competency interview. Well done! Remember to keep practising speaking a little slower. It adds more authority to the voice which might be needed with some of the more challenging stakeholders!


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