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  1. Omar Elbassuony

    Elizabeth is one of the most friendly professionals that I have ever met. She was not only able to help me with my interview skills but also how to behave and act professionally and wisely during an assessment centre. I would highly recommend working with Elizabeth if you’re trying to secure a job opportunity, she has all the knowledge and experience required for the help you need. Thank you and Goodluck with your future!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Omar, thank you. I knew it wouldn’t take you long to get offered a graduate role but it can feel very daunting to go through such a rigorous and competitive application process. Good luck with your career and maybe see you back in a few years time.

  2. David

    A big thank you to Elizabeth for her help! I interviewed with a Magic Circle law firm earlier this year and approached Elizabeth for her advice in the days before. She has an expert eye and within minutes was offering clear advice on my areas for improvement. Crucially, she offers advice on firm-specific interview technique. This translated into me being calm and composed on interview day, confident I had coherent, well-structured and tailored responses. I would recommend Elizabeth in a heartbeat and would happily work with her again in the future.

    • elizabeth

      Hi David, you did fantastically well against some stiff competition. Once we honed in on the skills they were looking for you were able to use your experience to stand-out. The organisation is a great cultural fit and I can see you staying there for some time. I am sure you’ll love it. Thanks for your review.

  3. Mariam

    I had very little confidence following an unsuccessful interview and being given quite harsh feedback . I had only a few days to prepare for another, even more important interview. Elizabeth helped me achieve, in one session, what I thought would take months of work. Elizabeth gave me the confidence I needed to go to the interview – I was going to withdraw from the process. I applied all the tips Elizabeth gave me and it worked. The interview was a success. I would have no hesitation in recommending Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Mariam, there’s so much I could say. You had fantastic skills but just didn’t believe it. What a difference a little confidence makes. I hope to work together again in a couple of years.

  4. Ella

    I found Elizabeth incredibly helpful. She was well-informed about the format of competency and strength-based questions and really made the process of civil service interviews a lot more transparent and less intimidating. As a result I felt I had a clear understanding of what was expected of me and how I should prepare. She also helped me understand how to convey the value in my career history in an interview. Having a recording of our conversation was invaluable as I was able to listen repeatedly to her thoughts and advice in preparation.

    I was able to walk into my first civil service interview far more confident and well-prepared than I would have been otherwise and was offered the role. I will call on her help in future without hesitation.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Ella, You just needed to be more prepared and better than any other candidate which you clearly were. I would be delighted to help next time. Enjoy the new role.

  5. Charlotte

    Elizabeth’s guidance and advice was invaluable. It really helped to have someone with such experience give me useful feedback when practising for interview, so I could improve and give the real interview my best shot.

    Job hunting is a mixed bag. Sometimes you find a new role immediately, at other times there are a lot of unexpected bumps along the way which knock your confidence. Elizabeth helped me to re-focus and show my skills and experience at their best.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Charlotte, often it’s difficult changing career direction but I knew you were capable of applying for more senior roles. It was worth holding out for. I look forward to hearing about how you get on although I know you’ll be great!

  6. Rashid

    Elizabeth really helped to demystify competency based interviews. This allowed me to focus on the areas I needed to improve on and also assisted me to respond more effectively to the interviewers and the areas they were looking to explore through their questions. Elizabeth helped me to build my confidence and offered reassurance, taking me through some practice questions prior to my interview, and three days later I successfully secured a new role through a competency based interview. I will definitely be seeking her assistance again when looking to secure further career advancement.

    • elizabeth

      Rashid, you did fantastically well and really just needed a confidence boost and a bit more practice around competency questions. You had strong skills and experience for the role and I am glad I was able to help. Thank you for the review.

  7. cecilia

    Elizabeth gave me the tools and confidence to succeed at my interview.
    Although the position I was going for involved a significant amount of technical preparation, Elizabeth understood perfectly the situation and provided me with guidance and practical tips which and really made a difference in how I approached the challenge.
    I am extremely grateful for her precious help!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Cecilia, it was a very technical competency interview and you did well, particularly moving up two levels. The hard work paid off! Thanks for taking the time to write a review.

  8. Ravi

    Thank you Elizabeth so much for your help. After the one session that I had with you, I was successful in obtaining a job position from my next interview, you really did have a positive impact when it came to coaching me. I took on board every bit of feedback that you provided me, reviewed the audio file that you provided as well as the power point presentation to aid me in my preparation. The help that you gave me allowed me to not only structure my answers better but to also make it sound more natural, which I had found difficult to do in previous interviews that I had been on. I am just so grateful for the advice that you provided to get me over the finishing line and started on my new career!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Ravi, thanks for your review. Good luck with the move and the new role. I am sure you’ll settle in well and soon feel part of the team.

  9. Emilia

    Elizabeth was extremely helpful and supportive when I was preparing for my medical school interviews (and first proper interviews ever). She did not just ask inquisitive questions tailored to the interview style but also taught me to think on my feet and answer any question the university could throw at me! I’ve just received an offer from my first choice. Thank you!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Emilia,

      I am so excited for you. You’ve done fantastical well to get a place at such a prestigious Medical School. Just focus now on getting the grades you need and then you can enjoy a long summer holiday before you start. Well done!

  10. Will Leigh-Bramwell

    I decided to organise some face-to-face interview coaching with Elizabeth a few months ago while I was applying to a range of graduate roles. While I knew I was a strong candidate on paper, I wasn’t confident I would do well in an interview, and was really struggling to form some good examples for strengths etc. During the two sessions I had with Elizabeth I learnt a lot about what interviewers are actually looking for, and developed a much clearer understanding of which of my strengths I should be selling to recruiters and how best to back them up with the examples I had.
    We did a mock interview session which was videoed, and I found being able to look back at this incredibly useful for re-listening to the turns-of-phrase and tips that Elizabeth gave me during the session that I would have otherwise forgotten! Overall, the sessions hugely increased my confidence to be able to walk into an interview and sell myself, and definitely made the graduate application process less stressful. I’m starting a new job on Monday at a big media firm and can confidently say that Elizabeth contributed a lot to me getting that job! So thank you very much, Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Will, thanks for your comments. One of the challenges we had initially was deciding what you want to do. Once you decided on digital marketing is was easier to be more focused in both your applications and interviews. You did really well and I look forward to hearing how you get on.


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