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  1. elizabeth

    Thank you Pam. You absolutely deserve the job and I’m delighted that the interview panel saw the tremendous range of skills you had to offer. What a completely new challenge this will be for you! Keep in touch and let me know what happens.

  2. pam collier

    Having had 6 previous interviews with various organisations, the feedback I got was mainly positive, but I always came 2nd and was pipped at the post each time. Because of this I was going for a job I really wanted with a large organisation and wanted to be number 1. After searching the web I came across Elizabeth for which I am extremely grateful. Elizabeth wasn’t in my area so after speaking we decided on a 2 hour Skype
    session which was brilliant. The points we went through and the mock interview even the way I was dressed was brilliant, so much so I went into the interview feeling very professional and confident. Not only did I get the job I was offered a better role than what I had applied for and without the professional help from Elizabeth I would not have achieved that. So I can,t praise and thank Elizabeth enough. A lovely lady that instilled me with confidence and belief. My email address is should anyone wish to email me about anything if they are considering using the interviewskillsclinic, but I can highly recommend their services..

    Thank you again for everything. A very happy Pam

  3. elizabeth

    Aiveen thank you. I know it was tough for you but you made it. You were just fearful because you cared so much! Good luck with the promotion and thanks for the recommendation.

  4. Aiveen

    I got in touch with Elizabeth as I was lacking in confidence and was actually afraid I would not be able to speak in an interview for a very competitive internal promotion process. There was also a presentation part of the assessment. We had a consultation and Elizabeth recommended a three hour session to include presentation coaching. Elizabeth had researched the organisation and the competencies assessed. She conducted an interview and identified my rehearsal of answers was a problem. I was very nervous as I had only a few days to prepare, Elizabeth put me at ease by moving to the presentation and started again on the interview when I was more comfortable. She is set against rehearsing answers and helped me move from this style. Something that gave me confidence was her telling me that I had a lovely conversational style. Elizabeth helped me thoroughly prepare for the interview and presentation with her realistic interview session so much so that I actually found the real one quite a pleasant experience. I got the job so clearly it was worth it. I would use her in future but next time would book the session as soon as I knew I would be interviewed. I have already recommended her to colleagues.

  5. Denise

    Thank you so much. Elizabeth, your caring and constructive advice meant that I was well-prepared and more able to confidently answer questions in a structured, thoughtful and meaningful way. Many thanks.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Denise for keeping in touch. It sounds like a great lecturing job.

  6. elizabeth

    Thank you Allison. A Relationship Manager is a great role for you. I’m sure it will go well on the 20th, keep in touch.

  7. Allison

    Hi Elizabeth – just wanted to say a huge thank you. After our initial coaching session I felt much better prepared for the interviews, I had 2 interviews – but unfortunately did not get either post. Feedback was good, I gave good answers etc etc, but there was just someone better than me on the day. Despite feeling disheartened I continued to apply and I managed to get 2 more interviews, this time I was a lot more relaxed and remembered all you said about the questions they could ask. I was able to deal with the ad hoc questions because of your prep and I am pleased to say I was offered BOTH of these jobs and had to make a decision. I would 100% use you again as you really know your stuff – I would also advise anyone out there looking for a role that no matter what happens you have to keep on trying. Look what happened to me!

  8. Colombe V.

    Dear Elizabeth, when I called you to tell you that I’d been chosen for this Media Coordinator role in Geneva, I truly believed that without your help I wouldn’t have had it. Three things have made you outstanding as an interview coach. Firstly, you taught me how to answer basic interview questions, and what interviewers were looking for behind each of their questions; so I was able to put all my efforts in preparing for this interview, something I wouldn’t have done if I hadn’t known how to prepare. Secondly you were always available to speak after each interview, eager to know how it had gone and providing free advice on how to prepare for the next steps. And most importantly, you restored my confidence which had severely suffered from months of working as an under-paid assistant. I am now responsible for developing the media strategy of an incredible human rights organisation, and will have my own assistants to help me! This still feels like a dream, and I can say with confidence that without you I wouldn’t have been able to realise it. I have already spoken about you to many of my friends and family, and will definitely keep your contact close for whenever I need to improve my communication skills, whether to prepare for a presentation or later in the next stages of my career. THANK YOU

    • elizconley

      Hi Colombe, I’m glad it’s going so well and thanks for your idea to get this direct feedback feature on my site. I hope it give more credibility and trust to visitors.

  9. A Gupta

    I was clueless when I received a call for an interview in a Structural Engineering firm. As an international student, it was essential that I stood out from the crowd in order to secure a job. My first graduate job interview would not have been this polished had I not come across Elizabeth’s interview coaching. It was tailored to my needs and the exercises really boosted my confidence. I received a lot of positive feedback from the interviewers! I would highly recommend it as it made a massive difference to my interview skills.

    • elizconley

      Thanks Aatisha. Fingers crossed. Keep in touch.

  10. Patrick

    I have just got offered the role I wanted. The service good and highly professional with a personal touch. It was worth the money as it helped build my confidence and taught the fundamentals, I needed to know for interviews. I would recommend this service to any one who wish to gain an advantage to get the job they want. I was highly impressed by the research that Elizabeth did for my role.

    • elizconley

      Thanks Patrick. I’m sure you’ll have an interesting two years with many stories to tell about local politics!


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