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  1. Gabrielle

    I had been called to my first civil service job interview in 10 years. I was applying for promotion. In my 90-minute Skype session Elizabeth showed me how to attend to all aspects of the competencies on which I would be questioned and how to provide much more detailed answers. She also helped me see the importance of being able to verbally sum up my achievements for each of my competency examples. I was successful in my application. I could not have done it without Elizabeth’s help.

    • interviewclinic

      Hi Gabrielle, It was a bit daunting for you not having had an interview for 10 years but your success demonstrates your ability. Don’t wait so long for the next promotion, you can do it!

  2. Angela

    Elizabeth is a brilliant coach. I used her services to prepare for my first civil service interview and again when I was seeking a position on promotion. I received offers to both posts. She’s a master on civil service interviewing. I cant recommend her highly enough.

    • interviewclinic

      Thanks Angela it was great to work together again. I was so pleased to see you going for early promotion which you deserve. You’ve years of experience and skills to bring to the role from the private sector and this shines through. Again, don’t wait too long for the next promotion – hopefully see you in 12-18 months. You can do it!

  3. Amy

    Elizabeth’s assistance was incredibly valuable in my experience of applying for a training contract. I have a history of being able to make it to interviews on my paper applications but then not being able to make it past first (or sometimes second) interview. Elizabeth was great, listened to what I had to say and then fed back that I was not selling myself in the right way. Left me with plenty to think about. With Elizabeth’s assistance I was able to secure a training contract in my first interview this year! Thank you so much.

    • interviewclinic

      Hi Amy, I eventually managed to get your review on the website, thank you. Getting a training contact is notoriously challenging. Whilst working as a paralegal gave you great legal experience, you needed a little help to promote yourself and your skills as a lawyer, not as a paralegal. This tweak in thinking made all the difference. I am sure you’ll make a great lawyer.

  4. Marcus

    I really could not recommend a coaching session with Elizabeth enough! The new approach she took me through to prepare for interview really made the difference, securing me a job offer at the first time of applying it, in a highly competitive field.

    • interviewclinic

      Hi Marcus, I am sorry you had many difficulties adding a review to my site. Recently, I have had a new website and we’ve had some teething problems which hopefully are now resolved. You had excellent experience and just needed to move away from process led answers and add in your thinking with more emphasis on the ‘how’. It made the difference and showed how to stand-out from other candidates. Thanks for your recommendations.

  5. Seb

    I had been to several interviews and had no luck with securing a full time role I was really interested in. With my confidence low I decided to seek help in the form of a 90 minute Skype session with Elizabeth. It was fantastic. Elizabeth not only provided me with very helpful preparation materials but she got me to understand what the interviewer would be looking for and how best to address questions. Going into detail on how different types of questions could be answered and giving examples which I could base my own experiences off. A week later I went into my next interview full of confidence and now can happily say I was offered the job. Without a doubt the new perspective and level detail Elizabeth provided me played a major role in the success of the interview.

    • interviewclinic

      Hi Seb, I know it took a while to go-ahead with coaching but I am pleased you did. Strength based interviews are very tricky if you haven’t experienced them before. You did really well and I am pleased your confidence is restored. Enjoy the full-time role.

  6. Rashid

    I sought Elizabeth’s assistance with a recent civil service interview through a 90 minute Skype preparation session. Elizabeth’s assistance and coaching was invaluable in successfully securing my new role. She was able to explain what the competencies were and meant in practical terms, what the interviewers were looking for in my answers and how it was marked. Elizabeth was also able to provide me with feedback as to the quality of the examples I was using in my application to maximise my opportunity to be successful at interview. From the material I sent to her, she noted that I had a wealth of relevant experience and expertise in terms of the role and the competencies listed for it. She quickly identified in the session that in interview, I needed to ensure I outlined more thoroughly my thought processes in terms of the automatic actions I took as an experienced professional. She provided feedback on my practice answers and really helped to build my confidence. I was able to ask questions and clarify issues on which I was unclear. I would have no hesitation in recommending Elizabeth to anyone seeking to prepare for an interview. I cannot thank her enough.

    • interviewclinic

      Hi Rashid, I am so pleased that you got the role you wanted. Skype coaching is surprisingly effective, -particularly for working on developing more in-depth answers, which is where so many candidates fall down. I am sure you’ll enjoy the new challenge.

  7. Alun

    I was fortunate enough to be able to have a 90 minute Skype preparation session with Elizabeth before a recent Civil Service interview. It was absolutely fantastic, tremendous value for money and certainly a major factor in subsequently being successful at interview. Very helpful prep materials were sent in advance of the Skype session. However what really stood out was how Elizabeth completely altered the session around 15 minutes in when it was clear I was losing confidence. A key piece of advice she offered at this point totally changed my approach; I credit this as also being the key reason for passing the interview, too. I have subsequently recommended Elizabeth to two other Civil Service applicants, one who has also been successful directly after a prep session and another who will take their interview in the next few weeks. This is as good as professional coaching for interviews can be and I would recommend it to anyone at any level

    • interviewclinic

      Many thanks Alun and for your recommendations. I’m pleased that I was able to make a difference, they are challenging interviews as we know. Sorry with the technical issues of adding a review. My website has had a new design and we’ve had some teething problems, hopefully these are all resolved now.

  8. Katharina

    I just wanted to say a proper thank you. Today I accepted a formal offer for the role of marketing officer. I really do credit my work with you for allowing me to take the edge off my nerves and articulate my skills much better. In their job offer they stated that I was a standout candidate which had certainly not been my experience up until then! Thank you very much. This has really taken my career in a wonderful direction and I’m so excited.

    • interviewclinic

      Hi Katharina, You were so nervous you nearly didn’t go for the interview! So well done, for trusting in me and believing in yourself. You have a great new role and your confidence will grow hugely, I am sure you’ll be successful.

  9. Julie Goddard

    Amazing, Incredible, Fantastic – my 3 word summary of the experience I had with Elizabeth. In my early 50’s – and feeling like Employer’s would think I was ‘past it’ … I quickly learn’t I was holding myself back. In fact learning to summarise my 20 years experience by telling ‘relevant and compelling stories’ unlocked my potential and freed my brain. It was ‘that simple.’ I took a week to prepare using my new found learning, and In my next Interview the Interviewer was quickly nodding in agreement as I told him about my 20 years of relevant experience – I got the Job and I sailed through my first month’s probationary period. So if you are thinking about gaining some learning and new insights on Interviews I would say ‘Do It’ and ‘Enjoy It’

    • elizabeth

      Hi Julie, thank you. You were brave enough to go through the intensive 3 hour coaching sessions with video and it’s tough to do. Non of us like looking at ourselves on video but you left determined to change the way you prepared and talked about yourself. The difference was amazing. I am so pleased the job is going well.

  10. Sue

    After unsuccessful interviews I decided to invest in some coaching with Elizabeth. We had one Skype session as that was all there was time for before my next interview. Elizabeth taught me how to apply the Star technique at interview. She also really boasted my confidence by pointing out to me how much skill and experience I had, which I was seriously beginning to doubt. I was much more confident than I usually am at my interview, and so better prepared. The company called me the next morning and offered me the job. Thank you so much Elizabeth. I will definitely be recommending you to anyone I feel needs help with their job hunting.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Sue, I know how difficult the decision was to have coaching when you’ve been out of work for a while and funds are low. And adapting to Skype! I am delighted the investment paid off. You have substantial experience and skills and simply weren’t answering questions correctly for a competency interview. You now have a better job, closer to home and with more money. So hopefully, you can go into the new job feeling more confident.


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