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  1. Michaela

    I recently had a very useful session with Matthew, in which he gave me invaluable advice, from targeting my letter of motivation and CV to improving my interview skills. Matthew immediately spotted where I needed help and he really improved my confidence levels. I had lots of interviews following the session, and I was able to represent myself much better with the knowledge and practice gained during the sessions. I am happy to say that as a result I was able to land director-level position with a 50% pay rise in a really interesting company. Many thanks, Matthew!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Michaela, I am really pleased that you have enjoyed so much success, I enjoyed working with you on the journey and all the very best in your new role. Best regards Matt

  2. Kirsten

    Elizabeth really boosted my confidence, explained what the employers were looking for and prepared me really well for my interviews. I got several job offers after one session with her – highly recommend.

    • interviewclinic

      Thanks Kirsten. You had great experience but I think you’re right – the difference was understanding what the Interviewers were looking for so you could adapt your examples. Well done. I hope to see you in a couple of years time when you are looking for promotion, if not before.

  3. Chris

    I recently had a fantastic interview skills session with Matthew, in which he gave me invaluable advice about how to prepare for an upcoming interview and tailor my examples to the role, as well as extremely helpful feedback on my answers to practice questions. I was delighted to be offered the role following the interview itself, and am sure that Matthew’s expert support made all the difference on the day. Thanks again!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thanks Chris and very well done. I very much enjoyed working with you, all you hard work paid off, solid preparation and focus is key. Enjoy your new role and I wish you every success. Matthew

  4. Leah

    I had a brilliant practice interview session with Matthew to help me prepare for an airline interview. Matthew immediately saw where I needed improvement and the session was a great way to help work on my technique when answering challenging questions. I am pleased to say I got the job! Thanks again

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Leah, fantastic news, you worked hard to get through all of the stages involved and now have a great career ahead. All the very best for the future. Matt

  5. Justin

    I had two sessions with Elizabeth to help prepare me for an interview for a high profile public appointment. Both were incredibly helpful in giving me a chance to practice answers to challenging questions in a safe space and to work on my technique and opening presentation and then to consolidate the learning. I landed the job and took away tips that will stand me in good stead for years to come. Can’t recommend her highly enough!

    • interviewclinic

      Thank you Justin, I am glad I was able to help. You were already a strong communicator but just need a little encouragement to promote yourself!

  6. Margaret

    After six interviews where I got good feedback -but no job offer- I had 2 sessions with Elizabeth. She immediately identified how I could improve my interview technique, using the same material but presenting it differently. She was also extremely helpful in fitting me in on very short notice as I had another interview coming up. I received a job offer at the next interview! I am really grateful for Elizabeth’s help and will definitely consult her immediately when I next want to move jobs!

    • interviewclinic

      I am pleased I was able to help and I would be very happy to help next time. Thanks for the review.

  7. David G

    I worked with Matthew in preparing my application to the civil service. He provided invaluable advice in helping my understand what they were looking for and leveraging my experiences to date to answer the behavioural questions.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thanks David, all the very best for your next steps, I very much enjoyed working with you on preparing your application. Kind regards Matthew

  8. Marie-Lise

    I cannot recommend Elizabeth enough! I went to see her for two sessions before my interview and she provided me with invaluable advice. I was able to see where I was going wrong before, and vastly improve my interview technique. With Elizabeth’s help I went into my interview feeling well prepared and more confident, and I got the job. Thanks again!

    • interviewclinic

      Thanks Marie-Lise, you did really well and I am not surprised even though it was a difficult interview. Enjoy the new challenge and I hope to work together again when you’re going for promotion.

  9. Alex Iqbal

    I went to see James just a week before I had an assessment centre for a job in the financial services sector. James was incredibly helpful and he changed the way I approached interviews and how I felt about them.

    He helped me with both behavioural techniques and understanding what exactly it is interviewers are looking for in your answers. I would definitely recommend going to see him it is a certainly a great investment.

    • James Parsons

      Thanks Alex – best of luck with it all. They’re a great firm which I know well! Best / James

  10. Annie

    Elizabeth did a wonderful job of helping me prepare for an interview in the US. Her feedback helped me to take my responses to a deeper level, and I was able to use some of the stories she had coached me through in a successful interview. The Skype recording made it easy to review her feedback. Thank you, Elizabeth!

    • interviewclinic

      Hi Annie, I am glad I was able to help and that you find Skype coaching useful, the new recording facility does make a difference. Enjoy the new role and hopefully we’ll have a chance to work together next time.


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