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  1. Isobel Cook

    Elizabeth is an excellent interview skills coach who was invaluable in helping me secure a role. Our session was informative and constructive; she had unique insight into what the employer was looking for and helped me tailor my answers and examples to draw out strengths and appeal to the specific role criteria. She provided constructive and valuable feedback at all stages, whilst also helping to boost confidence in my ability. I would highly recommended!

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Isobel, many thanks. You did amazingly well with one session and I am sure you’ll love the role, it will steer your career in a completely new direction giving you lots of opportunities for further training and promotion 🙂

  2. Nida

    I booked an interview coaching session with Matthew earlier this year.

    He was brilliant and helped me prepare thoroughly. He brought up questions / points I hadn’t thought about. We went through my examples and he was able to refine them to bring out the very best of my experience.

    The interview went well and I was offered the job!

    I can’t recommend him enough. Thank you Matthew.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Nida, thank you for those kind words. You were thorough in your preparation and I enjoyed working with you to secure this great role in an industry leading company. I hope it goes well and I am sure that we will be hearing of your continued success. All the very best, Matt

  3. Philip

    Finding and booking this coaching was really worthwhile: an initial conversation with Elizabeth and then two coaching sessions with Matt helped me to secure two Civil Service offers within a week from two interviews! Matt explained how to select and structure the contents for my example stories, and how to come across well at interview with assurance and conviction. Thank-you so much!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Philip, We are all very pleased to hear that you were offered two great Civil Service roles within a week. You were thorough in your preparation which has certainly paid off. All the very best in your new role – whichever one you decide to accept! Matt

  4. FCT

    I cannot recommend Interview Skills Clinic enough. I’ve used Elizabeth’s services twice in the past few years, and on both occasions I got the job I interviewed for shortly after. Very, very helpful.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Fantastic news – I was glad to help. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to work together again on your next promotion.

  5. Zoe

    I had two interview coaching sessions with Elizabeth Conley from Interview Skills Clinic in preparation for a job interview with the Civil Service for a policy professional role. She was immensely helpful in terms of advising me how best to structure answers to possible questions. We discussed appropriate examples from my experience to use when responding and she helped build my confidence about answering behaviour and strength based questions. I was successful in the interview and have since been offered a position within the Scottish Government. I highly recommend this service and believe it helped me clinch the job.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Thanks Zoe, you had some great experience and skills to draw on and I was pleased to be able to help. Sometimes just understanding what the interviewers are looking for can make all the difference. Enjoy the challenges ahead and I hope to work together in the future.

  6. Tom

    Before finding Chista I had been applying to law firms in London for over two years with no success. Thanks to her help, I was able to secure a training contract just three months after we started working together.

    Chista has been tremendously helpful throughout the entire application process. She offered excellent, tailored advice on my CV and cover letter, ensuring that my individual strengths were presented as clearly and positively as possible. She also really helped to build my confidence ahead of the interviews and was excellent at predicting the sorts of questions which would be asked.

    Chista was always enthusiastic to offer her assistance, even at short notice. She was very personable and made every effort to understand me as an individual. I cannot recommend Chista highly enough.

    Thank you for all your help!

    • chista Kermani

      What lovely comments, thank you Tom, and it was an absolute joy to work with you! With such remarkable achievements under your belt, it wasn’t surprising that you were snapped up by a prestigious law firm, and I was delighted to hear of your well-earned success. You have a stellar career ahead of you, and I wish you all the best, and every happiness, for the future. Chista

  7. Valeria

    Interview Skill Clinic has been really helpful for me. Matthew has been very professional, well-prepared and he helped me prepare the interview for a job I applied that was really important to me. He gave me some hints and tips an he helped me feeling more confident and more secure. And I got the job!! I highly recommend to contact Matthew and the team if you are preparing a job interview, it can make the difference!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thanks Valeria, it was good to work with you and I know that your new team will enjoy having you onboard and be very thankful of the knowledge, skills and ‘can do’ attitude you will bring to the group. All the very best, Matt

  8. Ro Turan

    Chista was great at coaching me through the interview process. It was really useful to learn a technique for answering questions and to have loads of practice ahead of my interview. I think having this coaching meant I felt more confident and was able to relax and make the most of my interview. Many thanks Chista

    • chista Kermani

      Thank you for your kind words, Ro, and I was so pleased to hear of your success, well done! You shone through at interview despite these challenging times, and it was a pleasure working with you. I wish you the very best for your new role and beyond, and hope our paths may cross again in the future. All the best, Chista

  9. Mrs Panton

    I had a last minute appointment with Elizabeth who was kind enough to squeeze me in when I started searching for help due to a short notice interview. I’d been out of paid employment for a few years and just needed help with brushing up my interviewing skills. After reading all the very positive reviews online, I decided to take the plunge and I was glad I did. I had two consultations with Elizabeth which changed my approach quite quickly with interviewing. She guided me and it helped immensely as I got a job offer following this. I usually recruit people and this still helped me reset my thinking about why I was being asked questions. I would definitely recommend!

    • Elizabeth Conley

      It was a fantastic result and I am so pleased I wad able to help. I hope you will now see how skilled and experience you are and build your confidence in the new role. Congratulations! Elizabeth

  10. Mike

    Excellent training from Elizabeth. Helped me with some much needed skills and feedback required for a competitive job market out there right now and accepted a job just a week later.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Mike, I enjoyed working together. You have excellent skills and experience and just needed some help to promote yourself more against some tough competition. Hopefully we can work together again when you are looking for promotion. 🙂 Elizabeth


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