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  1. Girish Ravi

    My coach was Matthew and I went to 2 sessions with him. Really amazing detail in company knowledge as well as addressing interview and presentation points

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thank you Girish, Well done on securing the offer and that you scored so highly in the presentation. I hope the programme goes well and all the very best. Kind regards, Matt

  2. Hamish Murray

    Definitely a real benefit, letting you see where improvements can be made even after the first session. Well worth it.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Hamish, you put yourself through an assessment interview coaching session with me which is a tough session, normally I only recommend this for senior clients. We all know that getting the balance between promoting yourself and being yourself is challenging when you’re looking for a job. You took it all on board and got the success you deserved, well done. Enjoy the new challenge.

  3. Penelope Kopala

    Last summer I applied for HR positions within the civil service. I attended a group workshop and had one-to-one coaching with Matthew. Both services were excellent and very helpful! I received 2 EO offers and I was put on the reserved list for 4 positions. I had another one-to-one with Matthew a couple of weeks ago for an HEO role. I am delighted to say that I have been successful and have received an offer. I wouldn’t have made it without Matthew’s help! He is very knowledgeable and supportive. I highly recommend Interview Skills Clinic and I’m sure I’ll seek support for future interviews.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thanks Penelope, I look forward to working with you again. Matt

  4. Annalisa M.

    I had two sessions with Jane. I was made redundant in June and coming from the event industry, finding a job during pandemic proved very difficult. I was now unemployed for 8 months. The tips Jane gave me have been instrumental in securing a new position in SaaS, which is exactly where I wanted to go. Jane is a fantastic professional and can provide some very useful constructive feedback. I would recommend her to anyone! I was initially a bit concerned about the fees but this is money definitely well spend. The tips and the feedback taken away will stay with me for a long time.

    • Jane Gill

      Hi Annalisa, such good news! You are right the job market is challenging at the moment. I am so pleased that I was able to help you communicate your skills and strengths for the role. Good luck with the new job.

  5. Bina Patel

    Used Interview Skills Clinic for a recent job interview. Was a bit hesitant at first but the initial chat with Elizabeth put me at ease and felt this service would be beneficial to me. I was assigned to work with Jane Gill who gave me great hints, tips and advice on both my interview prep sessions. I honestly wouldn’t have been successful if I hadn’t have used this service. Thank you Jane and Elizabeth. Will definitely knock on your door again in the future.

    • Jane Gill

      You are very welcome Bina. We would love to see you back but hopefully not for some time. Enjoy the new role.

  6. Freddie May

    The Interview Skills clinic worked for me ! I had two sessions with Matt who really helped me think about my approach to interviews and to give clear and concise answers to competency based questions. He helped me to prepare well for a Graduate assessment center and I went into it feeling confident. It paid off as the company offered me a place on their Graduate scheme. Thank you Matt.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      I’m really pleased the coaching helped you to secure a place on a very attractive graduate programme. All the best, Matt

  7. Josh Robinson

    Chista was an absolute pleasure to work with and really helped me prepare for my Civil Service interviews. I have noticed a huge difference in my approach and I have since received particularly positive feedback from the interviewers. I know that I will be able to use the skills I learnt at ISC for the rest of my career and I couldn’t recommend the service enough!

    • chista Kermani

      Thank you so much for your kind words Josh, and I thoroughly enjoyed working with you. You had fantastic work experience to draw upon in preparation for your interviews, and I have no doubt that you’ll enjoy huge success in your career. Please keep in touch and my best wishes for the future, Chista

  8. Jo

    Elizabeth advised me while I was preparing a competency-based application for promotion to G6 in the Civil Service. This followed a long, frustrating and confidence-sapping period of unsuccessful applications where I failed to gain any interviews. I knew I was performing at the right level, but was struggling with understanding how to present this in applications as I was receiving minimal feedback.

    I had several sessions with Elizabeth on my written competency examples for a specific job and she was just great to work with. She has real expertise and in-depth understanding of how the recruitment process works and how to bring out the best in an application: her feedback and advice were genuinely insightful and made an enormous difference to my application. She was also brilliantly flexible, squeezing me in at short notice over a holiday period. In the end I scored highly on all my examples and was shortlisted for interview. I then did well enough at interview to be placed on a reserve list, from which I have just been substantively appointed to G6.

    I feel really fortunate to have found and worked with Elizabeth – I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say I don’t think I would have had such a good result without her, and I very much hope I can work again with her when I am looking to make my next professional move. For anyone reading this who is wavering a bit on whether to go ahead with coaching, I would thoroughly recommend it, especially for Civil Service jobs – it’s a very worthwhile investment.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Thank you Jo. You did all the hard work. Sometimes it’s great to just have a second opinion. I was pleased to hear about your G6 promotion, much deserved.I hope we can work togeether again in the future.

  9. Poonam Aghi

    I had an online coaching session on zoom with Elizabeth Conley and very pleased to share that I passed my interview with Civil Services. She arranged for the session at a short notice and helped me tailor my examples after a mock interview. She also emailed me the recording of our mock interview which helped me go over the feedback. I recommend Elizabeth as I feel she has a good understanding of the civil services interview process and gives honest and constructive feedback.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Poonam, well done. The Civil Service interviews are particularly tough but you did well. I hope to work together again when you are going for your nex promotion.

  10. Linda de Klerk

    I had two very productive sessions with Jane. I had just been made redundant and Jane gave me some very useful tips in securing my interview. I was called after the interview and told I was heads and shoulders above the other interviews – and that is thanks to Jane’s help! This was money well spent. I was initially worried about the cost but the cost to your own development is worth it. These are skills I will take away and use forever.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Jane, you had a fantastic result, well done. I know Jane was impressed by your skills and experience and sometimes all we need it a little help to promote ourselves in the interview.


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