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  1. Jamie

    I’ve been working with Chista for 8 months now. She really helped me find stories in my life that I never thought would be useful and help and turn them into great examples for answering questions. Chista has been a great help and I know I’ll be back in 3 years once my placement is done.

    • chista Kermani

      I was thrilled to learn of your well-deserved success Jamie, many congratulations again on securing a trainee accountant role at such a prestigious accountancy firm. I was really impressed with your motivation and persistence over the months that we worked together, when you were also juggling a full-time job, and delighted that all those stories from the past showing off your skills helped! Thank you for taking the time to write a review – I wish you every success for your new role and will look forward to hearing from you again when you’re a fully-fledged accountant and looking for a new challenge. All best wishes, Chista

  2. Rossella Termine

    Chista is an excellent coach!!!
    I found Chista’s professionalism, wealth of experience, personal warmth, and consummate skill enormously helpful to rebuild my confidence and presentation at interview.
    She was very informed about what recruiters are looking for.

    It was my first CS interview! I got 2 coach session with her in a short time and after to build, practically and emotionally, the mindset and techniques to project myself positively, and frame my experience and skills in a convincing and engaging way, the interview was excellent! I didn’t get the job but CS offered me a reserve list which give me hope.

    Chista gave me great tips and advices about the best ways to prepare for CS interviews to ensure that you have all the necessary skills.

    I cannot recommend her highly enough.

    Thank you Chista for the person that you are.

    • chista Kermani

      What kind words, Rossella, thank you so much for taking the time to write, it’s much appreciated. It was a joy to work with you and to help you prepare for an interview for a role in a completely new field. You did fantastically in bringing out your extensive management experience, and as you say, getting on the Civil Service Reserve List was a phenomenal achievement, particularly in the current climate with such high competition for each role, so you should be rightly proud of your success. I very much hope that you will shortly be offered a suitable role, and please do keep in touch and let me know how you get on. All my best wishes for the future, Chista

  3. Io. S

    I have worked with Elizabeth for over 6 years now as I was promoted a few times over the last few years. Elizabeth has always been exceptional as she is attentive, a great listener and a keen observer. She prepared me for some very tough interviews. Considering the current climate and if you are in a difficult position to seek employment or seek a promotion, I would highly recommend to seek her support. She is a highly skilled professional that strives for you to succeed!

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Io for your generous review. I know you have started the role this week, so good luck. I sure you’ll be a great asset to the team.

  4. Chloe C

    I came from a non-financial background and wanted to pursue my career in the finance sector. I knew it was going to be a challenge for me to apply for an finance analyst and that’s why I reached out for support. Matt was definitely the right person as he knew all types of competencies inside out. I had a limited interview experience in the past and Matt was helping me through the presentation, strength based questions and most importantly the behaviours questions. I managed to pass two interviews from different business sectors in a week and one of them was the finance role that I always wanted. I had several sessions with Matt and I would definitely recommend him. Looking forward to speaking again for my next promotion! Thank you Matt!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Many thanks Chloe, realising an ambition is a wonderful experience especially when you worked hard to secure a role in Finance. This is a great move forward in your career and I am sure this achievement will help build your determination to secure a qualification in finance. I wish you all the very best and look forward to hearing about your progress and success. Matt

  5. Munya Murare

    I’m very glad that I ended up using this service. I was recommended to Interview Skills Clinic by my sister after getting what would be my first major interview at a major bank.

    The free consultation with Matt alone was useful in helping me to prepare and get an idea of exactly what I needed and what to keep in mind.

    My session with Chista was phenomenal. Luckily, she was able to fit me in for a session on short notice. It was very informative and greatly helped in giving me confidence for the actual interview that was ahead. I was unaware how much more detail I could add and more impressive I could seem before receiving her feedback and guidance.

    Ultimately, I was successful in the interview and ended up getting the job! I would highly recommend Interview Skills Clinic as they have a lot to offer anyone who is getting pursuing their career.

    Thanks a lot Chista! I know I did much better due to your help.

    • chista Kermani

      Thank you for taking the time to write a review, Munya – it was lovely to work with you (your research on shark attacks was particularly memorable!) and quite unique given that we are on different continents. You clearly had all the attributes required for the role, and are extremely personable, which made it very easy for me to just help you across that finish line. I was delighted to hear of your success, and wish you every happiness in your new job. All best wishes, Chista

  6. Jennifer Black

    After a disastrous Civil Service interview which really knocked my confidence, I applied for another Civil Service position and was successful in gaining an interview. Whilst researching Civil Service interviews, I came across Interview Skills Clinic and I am so lucky I did! I booked into have a free consultation with Elizabeth and from there booked two interview coaching sessions, which were led by Matt. For my first session, I was very unprepared, but Matt gave me strong, positive feedback on structuring my interview responses. In my second session, we did a mock interview and again I was still underprepared, but Matt again gave me really positive feedback and ultimately, I got my interview confidence back. I was successful in being offered the position I interviewed for and without Matt’s coaching I really don’t think I would have made the grade – so thank-you! Please, if you are really serious about getting your dream job, then sign up with Interview Skills Clinic – the team’s knowledge, expertise and motivation will guide you to success.

    All the best in the future Matt, you really have helped me so much!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Jennifer, many thanks for your feedback and kind words. I enjoyed working with you, hearing the challenges you face every day and how you skilfully help your clients and customers. Through working together we converted these into compelling answers to the range of typical and relevant questions being asked of this role. You put the time in to practice and prepare and it has paid off. I hope you enjoy this important and challenging role. Please keep in touch. Matt

  7. Charlie Houghton

    As far as I am concerned Matt was the defining factor in getting my civil service role. I had been applying for Civil service jobs for around six months and had four failed interviews and was almost at a loss as to how to get over the line. Then the interview skills clinic was recommended by a friend and I was put in touch with Matt. Matt was highly professional and motivating. I was immediately given worksheets which helped organise and brought out extra details for my behaviours. Then I had a first session with Matt where he gave me key advice at how to bring the most out of my behaviour answers and presentation. He had an uncanny ability to bring out the things I wanted to say! I then went back and worked on the advice given before we had our final session which was more of a practice interview where we were able to fine tune my answers and ensure I was fully prepared for my upcoming interviews. Matt was very personable and helped give me the skills and confidence to display in my interview. However, I understand it is a results business and following my sessions with Matt, I was delighted that I passed both my interviews for HEO policy roles, being placed on the reserve list for one and receiving an offer for the other which I duly accepted. Thank you so much Matt!!! I would gladly recommend him to anyone looking to get their dream civil service job!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      I am so pleased that through our work you managed to ‘crack the code’ of how to approach civil service interviews and give of your best. You had been successful at securing interviews so we knew you could already demonstrate what you were looking for, but it was by focusing on your delivery, expanding your examples to be strong verbal answers, continually linking back to reinforce why you had the skills, knowledge and experience for the role that enabled you to score highly. Well done and keep in touch.

  8. Dr Honey V Tanwar

    I am very glad that I found this website and get connected with Mr Matthew. Best mentor and coach I have ever had. Just because of him I got through with my interview and got my dream job. I will be always look up to him if I ever need any career coaching. Thank you so much, Mr Matthew.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thank you for your very kind words. I thoroughly enjoyed working with you because through listening and being prepared to put the time in to practice your answers you focused on how you could demonstrate that you were the very best candidate for the role. I am sure things will go well and I look forward to following your success.

  9. Salman Siddiqui

    Extremely helpful in preparing me for a tough CS competency based interview. I tend not to interview well but the tips and feedback Elizabeth provides are invaluable and I could not have done it without her help.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Salman, it was a tough interview and you did really well and I am and so pleased you got the success you deserved. Hopefully, we can work together on your next promotion. Thanks for the review.

  10. Sam

    Matthew helped me to prepare for my first CS interview at a very short notice. I had two Zoom calls with him. Matthew has excellent knowledge of the CS interview process and provided me with feedback and pointers to improve. My sessions were recorded, so I could review them and focus on areas requiring more work. I am pleased to say that I managed to get an offer after the first interview itself!! I would happily recommend Matthew and Interview Skills Clinic for anything related to CS job applications and interviews. Thanks again Matthew.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Sam, Civil Service interviews can be quite daunting at first given a fairly specific format which demands detailed preparation. I very much enjoyed working with you to help craft your examples and then practice answers to typical interview questions. You put the preparation time into this interview and secured a great result – you will be good for this role. Keep in touch, Matt


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