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  1. Devan D

    I contacted the Interview Skills Clinic after being unsuccessful at 5 consecutive interviews. Rebecca moved really swiftly getting me in touch with Elizabeth knowing I had one day before my next interview. Elizabeth is amazing! She is so honest, and really knows her stuff. She really explains where improvements are needed and how to make these small but so important changes. I felt different I. My interview the following day and included all the changes that Elizabeth pointed out. I actually got the job the very next day! Will definitely come back before going for the next role!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Devan, Thanks for review. Both Rebecca and myself were excited for you. It is so frustrating to go for interviews, have all the right experience but not succeed and don’t know why. Once you know what you are doing wrong it is so much easier and quicker to turn the interview around. Well done. Enjoy the new role 🙂

  2. Nikesh Pindoria

    Matthew worked with me over two sessions and provided relevant feedback for improvement on my examples for my civil service interview. I was successful in my interview and this wouldn’t be possible without Matthew’s help. Great service, would recommend it.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thanks Nicky, Great to hear that you were successful, I enjoyed working with you and hope we can work together again when the time comes. Enjoy the role, thanks again, Matt

  3. Stella Jocasta Morland-Pearce

    Having got as far as interview stage and no further I obviously needed help. Jane was informed, professional, kind but clear that I needed tough love. The recordings were helpful to go over advice later as there was so much to take in. I had 3 sessions saving the last one until I had an interview on the table. And was offered the job. Result! Many thanks

    • Jane Gill

      Thank you Stella. It was a real pleasure to work with you and I wish you every success in your new role.

  4. Suki Kaur

    I worked with Matthew during my interview process. I cannot recommend him enough, he was very professional and excellent at what he does. He guided me through the interview process with patience, his communications skills truly are excellent and helped me to articulate my answers to the questions perfectly. This would not have been possible without him.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thank you Suki, It was a pleasure to work with you and I am very pleased you were successful. You were totally dedicated to improving your interview skills and technique and worked hard to ensure you gave your very best on the day. I hope the new role goes well. Matt

  5. Sofi Hinchcliffe

    My two sessions with Elizabeth were so helpful, she was extremely knowledgable and professional in her coaching. Her advice was very practical and having two sessions really helped as I had time to improve my examples in between sessions. She really gave me the tools and confidence to succeed in my interviews and I got offered the job! Thank you Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      Sofi thanks so much for taking the time to write a review. I think this is a perfect role for you, it plays to your strength and skills and it will give you more challenge and opportunities. Enjoy!

  6. Cameron Jassal

    Elizabeth has been extremely helpful and supportive, providing me the expertise and confidence I needed in order to be successful at interviews. Following a 1 hour session with Elizabeth, I secured a job within 2 weeks. I highly recommend anyone who has been unsuccessful at interviews, to seek guidance from Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      Cameron I was really chuffed to hear that you got offered the internship, it will be great experience. Importantly you now know how to prepare for interviews and have more confidence. I have no doubt that you will succeed in getting a graduate job next.

  7. Jay x

    I would like to thank Matt for all the help he provided me preparing for my Civil Service interview. The hints and tips provided proved to be vital during the interview I had. He motivated me to believe that I was ready for this interview. Although I declined the job offer I look forward to working with Matt again in the future.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Jay, I enjoyed working with you and it was great to hear that you ended up with options, a nice position to be in. As you discovered, motivation to succeed at interview, combined with energy and passion go a long way to getting across the line. I hope to hear of your continuing success and please keep in touch. Matt

  8. Temi Renton

    Highly recommended. I cannot praise Interview Skills Clinic enough. I had attended many interviews with Civil Service recruiters and did not secure the position. I had a session with Chista where she guided me through the competency and strength-based questions and I got the job at my next interview. Amazing really.

    I could not have done it without them.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Temi, I am glad coaching was helpful and got the success you wanted. I know Chista enjoyed meeting you and working together. Enjoy the new role and thanks for the review.

  9. Tim Beyer

    Highly recommended. I used the Interview Skills Clinic after failing to get through a succession of Scottish Government and UK civil service interviews, and it worked!

    My coach, Elizabeth, is familiar with Civil Service and Scottish Government interview processes. She helped me to think critically about how competency-based interviewing works and to anticipate what questions might come up. She also worked with me to prepare a selection of answers, which she then honed through a mock interview. She was robust in her feedback and advice, which meant I really dealt with my weak areas and developed better answers that brought out my strengths.

    I was then successful in the very next interview I attended – thanks in large part to Elizabeth’s advice.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Thanks Tim, many thanks for the review. I am sorry you had difficulites adding the review to our Google Business page. It was a pleasure to be able to help. You were successful because you had extensive skills and experience to do the job, I just helped you frame your answers for the Scottish Civil Service interview, which as we know are quite challenging. Hopefully, we can work together in the future.

  10. St Da

    I had 3 sessions with Mat who has been very supportive and helpful from the very beginning. I was impressed with his engagement, knowledge and professionalism. I would definitely recommend Mat!!!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Thank you for your kind words. I am very pleased that everything worked out for you and I am sure you will excel in this new role. Please stay in touch, Matt


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