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  1. Paul Berry

    After a particularly brutal (and unsuccessful) interview, I contacted Elizabeth for some much needed help. Her help and advice made such a difference to my approach to both interviews and job hunting in general and boosted my confidence a great deal.

    I’m delighted to say that I was successful at an interview that I had a couple of weeks ago and I couldn’t have got to this stage without Elizabeth’s support and advice. It meant I could approach interviews without so much of the fear and dread I had before, as I knew I had prepared properly.

    Thank you Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      You’re very welcome Paul. It’s been great to help you return to your initial career and it will be interesting to catch up with you later to find out how the role has changed whilst you’ve been teaching. Keep in touch.

  2. Edward Smith

    I attended a one on one coaching session with Elizabeth to address a confidence knock back following an unsuccessful final round interview. I found her manner to be extremely approachable and supportive, whilst offering all the key insights and professional advice I needed to secure my next role… which I did! I came away from our session feeling extremely confident and would highly recommend her to anyone looking to work on pre interview nerves.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Edward, you were doing absolutely fine. You interviewed well naturally and just needed that confidence boost to win the interview. Thank you.

  3. Tom

    After a run of bad job interviews, I had a Skype session and then a 1-2-1 with Elizabeth. I cannot speak highly enough of her training. She was always patient and constructive in her comments and led me to look at the interview questions in a totally different way. I aced my next job interview and now I’m working in my dream job! I would definitely recommend Elizabeth to anyone looking to improve their interviewing skills.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Tom. I’m really pleased I was able to help. Enjoy the job!

  4. Ernie

    I started my coaching with Elizabeth at a low point in my career – coming out of a redundancy after a major industry shake-up and several close-call rejections after final stage job interviews.

    Working with Elizabeth marked a major turnaround in terms of my confidence and delivery at interviews. Within two months, I got 4 job offers from major global financial services firms and a big 4 company

    • elizabeth

      Hi Ernie, you did it all yourself. I just boosted your confidence along the way. Thanks for the feedback.

  5. Ella

    Thank you so much Elizabeth for all your help! I had so many interviews and I just wasn’t getting offered a job and it really ruined my confidence so after a while I knew I had to do something about it.

    I found Elizabeth online and booked a Skype session in with her. A few days later I had an interview I was much less nervous and I was successful in getting through to the second stage and I have now been offered the role! I believe Elizabeth has massively helped me re gain my confidence and had a massive impact on me getting this role I am so happy with her services and I would definitely recommend her to others!

    If you are struggling then get in touch with Elizabeth she will 100% help you!

    Thank you again 🙂

    • elizabeth

      Ella, thank you. You really had just lost your confidence and just needed a little help to focus back on your own strengths and skills. I’m sure you going to love the change and new challenges it will brings.

  6. Michael Bentley

    The interview coaching helped calm my nerves and I was able to use the right body language to better express myself. I did not have to go to multiple interviews before securing my current role. Thank you Elizabeth, keep up the good work.

    • elizabeth

      Michael, you had all the skills and experience and just needed a touch more confidence. Enjoy the new role.

  7. Samantha Parker

    After nearly 24 years in policing my head was turned by a job advertisement in my local newspaper. I sought Elizabeth out after being invited for interview for a position I dared to believe could be mine. I was looking for someone who could advise me on what to expect in the interview and help me prepare for the interview which included making a presentation. I had a skype session followed up later with a face to face session in her London office. Elizabeth is incredibly good at what she does. I liked her instantly. She brought the best out in me. I went to the interview knowing I had done all I could to give myself the best chance of success. Well it paid off and I was offered the position! With Elizabeth’s help, I have made it from the beat to the board room.
    Thank-you Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      Sam, you made my day! I’m so pleased that I was able to help you achieve your ambitions. Onward and upwards. What’s next?

  8. Eamonn Feeney

    Just a couple of sessions with Elizabeth in December made a real difference with son James, who graduated last summer (’14). Her advice on interview technique and more broadly on how to round out his experience stood him in good stead and he got the next thing he went for. Starts Jan 19th as a trainee with study support. So, thank you Elizabeth. You offer a happy combination of specialist stuff like explaining how interviews are scored together with commonsense advice that students won’t always listen to from their parents.

    • elizabeth

      You are very welcome Eamonn and I’m delighted James will be progressing his career and I know he’ll do well in accountancy. I wish my own son at University would listen to me so easily!

  9. Linda

    I would recommend working with Liz when you are preparing for a new job. My sessions with Liz helped to calm my nerves and to restore my confidence. I was changing careers and she helped me to identify the transferable skills that would be most useful to my future employer. I sent her the job description and my CV from which she prepared questions for us to go through. Several of the questions that we practiced actually came up in my interview.

    What I liked most about Liz is the tailored sessions. Need I say, I got the job and Liz has been there giving me advise (free of charge) as I navigated through the stormy waters of a career change.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Linda. Your enthusiasm for changing career and becoming an Actuarial analyst was so contagious, they couldn’t refuse you! You’ll be great at it. Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.

  10. Jo

    For anyone looking for an interview coach I would have no hesitation in recommending Elizabeth who has recently successfully helped my son . He found his discussions with her incredibly helpful and constructive and she was also very accomodating given the tight time scales. From a personal point of view it also made the whole process much less stressful for me!, knowing he was in safe hands.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Jo. It’s great to hear from a parent too. It’s a shame I can’t always get my own 18 year old to listen to me!


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