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  1. Lorna

    I really can’t recommend Elizabeth highly enough – if you are still undecided please just go for it! You won’t regret it. I contacted Interview Skills Clinic after a year of increasingly frustrating interviews, where I was getting close but was never offered the role. I work in the Charity sector where there have been a lot of redundancies and job merges, meaning a very competitive environment. I didn’t have a problem getting interviews, but with each additional no after an interview, my confidence had reached rock bottom and I found I was further under-selling myself , which only served to trap me in a depressing cycle of nos. I had an initial telephone consultation in which my main issues were discussed and I felt a lot more positive and hopeful as a result.

    I then met with Elizabeth several times face to face, which was quite emotional at times. She first filmed me in a mock interview scenario which, when I watched the recording at home, really helped. We worked through a personalised interview preparation document, live person specifications and interview questions together, itendifying the key competencies that would come up at interview. I then worked on my own bespoke suite of competencies, prepared responses to typical questions and rehearsed in front of a mirror. I am over the moon to say I am starting a fantastic job on 7 April with a well-respected charity, closer to home, managing a team of 7 for the salary I was looking for, all thanks to the insight and confidence I gained from Elizabeth’s consultations. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Interview Skills Clinic to anyone. Many, many thanks for all your help and advice and I wish you the best of luck for your business : )

    • elizabeth

      Lorna, success couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. I’m really pleased for you. 2015 is going to be your year.

      • Lorna

        That’s very kind of you. I really couldn’t be happier and am being encouraged, challenged, appreciated and respected and most-importantly have my confidence back in spades! Thanks again for all your help.

  2. Megan Cassidy

    I had two face to face interview sessions with Elizabeth and they made such a noticeable difference not only to my interview technique but also to my confidence in general. I was successful in an interview after my coaching so I am extremely grateful.

    I would 100% recommend Elizabeth!

    Big thank you!

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Megan. I’m sure you’ll get a great deal out of the internship experience and then you can move on and enjoy doing your Masters. Keep in touch.

  3. Kemi Modupe

    I am very pleased to say that not only have I secured my dream job, I was informed that I scored very highly out of hundreds of candidates.

    I contacted Elizabeth a few months ago to prepare for a series of gruelling telephone and panel interviews with a large quango. I specifically wanted guidance with competency based interviews, which I had performed poorly at in the past with the same organisation. I also requested help with formatting and delivering presentations, which would form part of my interview.

    My first contact with Elizabeth was a free telephone consultation during which she discussed my CV, feedback from the previous failed interview and the job description/person specification for the new job.
    She gave me tips on what the interviewers would be looking for, and some practice questions to work on before our first meeting.

    Our next three sessions were tough but incredibly rewarding, as we practised mock interviews and Elizabeth explained in detail what I did well and what needed improvement.
    Watching myself on the videos made me squirm but was really helpful in helping me see myself through the interviewer’s eyes.

    Elizabeth made me feel so reassured, motivated and confident that I went to my interview thinking “why SHOULDN’T I get the job?!”. After a nervous three weeks, I received a phone call saying that I had been successful.

    I feel very strongly that the sessions I had with Elizabeth greatly improved interview skills and I would not hesitate to recommend her to others.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Kemi, thank you. You deserved the job after all your hard work and patience. The application process was slow! Once you’ve settled down in the new role I will be keen to hear all about it. It’s going to be an exciting change.

  4. RS

    Elizabeth is a great interview coach. I was able to benefit from her feedback on my stories and presentation style. Her knowledgable perspective on how to prepare ensured that I was well versed in all my answers which were articulated confidently at the interview. Her encouragement pushed me to achieve my best and her succinct teaching style ensured I got the job!

    • elizabeth

      Thank you! I know you really put the work in over the weekend and the right preparation does pay off. Full credit to you. I’m pleased you were able to make the move from Community to Hospital pharmacy which I know you wanted.

  5. A Ras

    I contacted Elizabeth for assistance in my job interview.This is one of the best things I have done to improve my job prospects.She has extensive experience to coach and assist people according to their needs.I found her coaching in particular feedback very helpful during my job interview for senior post in the civil service.I will contribute my success in the interview to her excellent and professional coaching.I would recommend any one who is serious to improve job prospects should contact her and get valuable guidance.It was well worth contacted her for help.
    Thanks a lot Elizabeth for all your guidance and valuable help in getting my new job on promotion.


    • elizabeth

      Thank you AR for such a glowing recommendation! You embraced all my recommendations and I know worked hard to get this promotion. You thoroughly deserve the role. Now enjoy it.

  6. Simon

    After a long spell out of work and a chaotic year in my personal life, I found myself with zero confidence in interviews. I had an interview approaching for my dream job at a big four audit firm and I knew I needed help if I was to get through it in one piece (let alone actually be offered the job!).

    From the initial 30 min phone consultation with Elizabeth I began to feel much more optimistic – from looking at the job description and my cv together, Elizabeth was able to identify areas to prepare for that I wouldn’t have considered otherwise. After that first phone call there was a sense of relief because I knew I wasn’t on my own anymore.

    After a series of sessions with Elizabeth I wasn’t just able to feel well prepared and organised, but I was able to reconnect with my professional identity and actually speak from the heart about issues, topics and experiences that I had encountered throughout my career. Being unable to do this was my fundamental problem and I felt Elizabeth’s coaching got this back on track.

    The interview was a success – it had included a free talking presentation which had filled me with fear beforehand, but I felt so confident speaking that I think it almost sealed the job for me alone!

    I feel that with Elizabeth’s help I have been able to pull my career and my life back on track. I highly recommend her services and will definitely seek her help again for any big presentations I need to prepare for in my new job.

    • elizabeth

      Simon, the only the thing I changed really was helping to restore your confidence. You had all the skills and experience needed to wow them. I know the new job with go well. Keep in touch. Elizabeth

  7. elizabeth

    Hi Jan, You are very welcome. Both Kate and Nick were lovely to work with and they deserve the success they got. I’m sure both of them will have a great time.

  8. Jan Hanousek

    Dear Elizabeth,
    Thank you so much for my children’s interview coaching. Yesterday my daughter got an offer from the first vet school interview she went to – and I expect she will get another one from the second interview. My son Nick got an industry internship in a very competitive environment after a session from you as well. A full house within a week! Many thanks again.


  9. Ashok

    Thanks Elizabeth,

    I had 1-to-1 coaching interview sessions which were very useful and served it’s purpose. Interview tips, insights and methods were provided so that I was able to perform better at interviews with more confidence in how I must structure and prepare for upcoming interviews. Within 2 weeks of our coaching session, I received an offer for a senior management position within the NHS. In the future, follow services with regards CV and interviews would be beneficial to put myself in the best position.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Ashok. Come back to me when you want to move into private consultancy and we’ll plan out the tactics. I hope you really enjoy the new role.

  10. Felicity

    I had applied to University of Oxford, I never actually thought I would receive an invite to attend an interview but I did.
    I was given 6 days to prepare. Luckily Elizabeth was able to accommodate me despite the short notice. I was slightly reluctant to be coached but Elizabeth had previously helped my sister secure a highly competitive job, so I was willing to help boost my own chances this in this highly competitive interview.
    We had my session over Skype, I only had two hours with Elizabeth, but it was VERY PRODUCTIVE!
    She made me feel very comfortable in my own skin and helped me to strengthen my natural abilities, although not many of the questions came up – the preparation itself was very helpful and cemented life lessons which will be also helpful in the future. Elizabeth is a very pleasant coach, who is worth it! She was so helpful and she is definitely one of the people I owe to helping me secure my place at the third best university in the world.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Felicity. I couldn’t be more pleased for you. You’re right, the coaching was about trusting and believing in yourself, and forgetting about the competition. What an achievement – Oxford University! Has your mother got any more children to send me?


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