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  1. Brian

    Jane offers a 1st class professional service that was well worth my time and money. If you want to understand yourself better, and how to project yourself, then please do consider this. It will be testing, and you will get some homework 😊, but I learnt so much that I will take away for life not just for this one opportunity. Highly recommended

    • Jane Gill

      Hi Brian, I very much enjoyed our coaching sessions and wish you every success in your new role. A fantastic achievement. Best wishes, Jane

  2. Lauren

    This was my first time working with an interview coach and I found the experience fantastic. Claire really helped me confidently approach my interview and was instrumental in my success at being offered a role. Highly recommend this service for anyone who needs interview help, especially for employers with very specific processes (like the Civil Service). Thanks again!

    • Claire Hodgson

      Hi Lauren, Thanks you for your kind words. This is fantastic news, congratulations! It was an absolute pleasure working with you, I’m so pleased your hard work paid off and resulted in this fantastic job offer Wishing you the very best of luck in your new career, I’ll look forward to hearing from you on your progress, Claire.

  3. Deborah

    I can’t recommend Elizabeth enough. I have worked with her over the last few years each time getting promotion. I recently succeeded in a challenge G7 legal role and I am sure I wouldn’t have been successful without Elizabeth’s help and support. She truly understands what is needed to succeed. She gives honest feedback in a supportive way and each time, I have always known what I need to change to improve. I went into the interview feeling so much more prepared and confident. HIghly recommend coaching with Elizabeth

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Deborah, I was delighted with the success you achieved, well done. It does not surprise me at all that you got the role, you had developed all the skills and experience that you need to excel in the role. I hope we have a chance to work together in the future when you are going for your next promotion!

  4. Katy Guest

    Matthew Eastlake gave me some very sound advice about my interview technique during a very stressful time. He was firm and gave tough feedback in a gentle and positive way, and also reassured me and built my confidence. I’m very glad I found Interview Skills Clinic.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Katy, Thank you for your kind words. Often when we are very busy with lots of competing demands on our time it’s difficult to put time aside for interview preparation. I am very pleased that I was able to help you focus on your preparation and crucially
      to place your mindset in the demands of the role. I enjoyed working with you, seeing your confidence grow as we unpicked the key requirements of the role and built answers together. All the very best, Matt

  5. Amanda Federici

    Matt has been absolutely amazing and really made the impossible happen. Following a series of bad interviews, he has managed to complete turn my mindset around, prompt the right thinking and allow me to confidently walk through some tough interviews recently. Results are not out yet but still, the outcome wouldn’t change my feedback on his coaching because it has been absolutely outstanding. Thank you so much Matt, Amanda

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Amanda, I very much enjoyed working with you on a range of opportunities – all of which were very exciting. I could visibly notice your confidence grow as your mindset switched to delivering stories which covered the behaviours. Working through the
      detail of each required behaviour and then building strong examples was a pleasure. You invested time in practice and I am very pleased that everything came together on the day. You have an exciting future, keep in touch. Matt

  6. Christiana Bishop

    It was brilliant to have Matthew’s help and coaching recently when I was in the process of applying for a new role. His advice and insight into how to structure examples to demonstrate my skills and experience was invaluable, and our mock interview session was very helpful in knowing which examples needed strengthening. I’m delighted to say I have since received an offer for a new job with the BBC, so thank you Matthew! I would highly recommend working with him.

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Christiana, this was a great role to work on together and I know they have made a great choice in appointing you. It was important throughoutour work to explore the requirements and demands of the role fully so that you were prepared to answer questions coming from multiple angles. Through practice and placing your mindset in the role ensured that you could articulate fully why you had what they were looking for and how you would therefore be an important and valuable asset to the team at the BBC. All the best Matt.

  7. Liz C

    Elizabeth, thanks for all your help with the job interview. I did the interview and 30 mins afterwards the hiring manager called and offered me the job. Hurrah! I started the role yesterday and today one of the others on the panel said to me how great my interview was. He wished he could have recorded it to show others how to do the perfect interview! He said my presentation was brilliant and that he scored me a 7 on some of the answers. When it finished, he turned to the hiring manager and said “you’ve got your chief of staff” and that I was head and shoulders above anyone else. I knew the interview had gone well when I signed off and I’m delighted the panel thought so too.When I’m applying for jobs in 2 years’ time, I will be calling you before any interviews!

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Liz, This is super news well done! It sounds like you completely wowed them! It is very difficult to get a 7 for any answers. You must be completely chuffed and your success is much deserved. I hope you enjoy the new challenge and I look forward to working together in the future. Elizabeth

  8. Rachel

    Elizabeth’s coaching for my role in strategic communications was invaluable and I am delighted to say I got the job a the second place I interviewed and I was put on reserve after my first interview. I couldn’t have done it without her support, feedback and the opportunity to practice, practice and practice. In the past I have tended to talk for too long and in too much detail but this time I was able to get the balance right and be more strategic in more answers. Thank you again for your help.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Rachel, you had great experience to draw on and just needed a little help to make yourself the centre of each example to support the questions. It is difficult with complex examples to know when to dive down into the detail and when to step back but you clearly did this brilliantly. Well done and good luck with the new role.

  9. Alvin

    Elizabeth provided tremendous advice and coaching. It wouldn’t have been possible for me to move from a financial and private sector background to the Civil Service without her help and support. Initially I made it through to the reserve pool and then received an offer for a similar role as they were waiting for someone is the team to resign. Interviews in the Civil Service are very different to corporate investment interviews and without Elizabeth’s insight and support I wouldn’t have succeeded in making this career move. It was worth every penny.

    • Elizabeth Conley

      Hi Alvin, it was a rather long and protracted recruitment process but I am delighted that you got there in the end. You had very unique skills to offer the Civil Service and the Interview panel could clearly see this. I am so pleased that they were able to find a role or you, even if you had to wait a while to receive the offer. Good luck with the new role and challenge.

  10. Stephen

    I was coming up to my 6th Civil Service interview. I was frustrated, as I could secure interviews with my applications but was scoring low on my verbal answers. I had a session with Matthew the day before and I got the job! Thanks to Matthew’s coaching, I was able to fine tune my behaviour answers. It was pricey but obviously worth every penny, as I now have an income coming in, instead of several more months doing interviews with no wage. I would highly recommend Matthew’s services and may return, if I ever go for a promotion. Superb quality! Thank you!

    • Matthew Eastlake

      Hi Stephen, Often it’s about making a few key adjustments. After a series of unsuccessful interviews a sense of inevitability can set in which manifests itself in a lack of confidence and uncertainty about what to do next.
      I’m really pleased that through working together you were able to refocus and in parts restructure your answers. Building confidence is key which I hope you have been able to take into the role. Please keep in touch. Matt


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