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  1. Jane

    I cannot praise Elizabeth’s skills enough. I had never been for an competency based interview before; in fact I haven’t really had a formal interview for over thirty years. Elizabeth was very reassuring but honest. She had some great tips for building confidence and I got the job!

    Elizabeth’s last tip is to make sure I celebrate, which is what I am about to do.

    Many thanks for all your hard work.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Jane, you totally deserve the job. It’s sometimes more difficult to persuade the interviewers that you can be naturally quiet but still have strong interpersonal skills for staff management and customer relations. You’ve done it!

  2. Stella

    I contacted Elizabeth at the point where I had had about ten interviews, and not been offered a job. Working with Elizabeth helped me prepare better for my NHS competency-based interview, and not only did I feel much more confident before going into the interview, I presented myself better in terms of appearance as I dressed as advised (something I had neglected before), and I talked fully about my skills and abilities, whereas previously I was shutting down. I think being able to practice my interview skills so intensively was the key to me being able to just keep on talking positively about myself for thirty or so minutes! I would definitely use Elizabeth’s services again, and only wish I had helped myself in this way earlier.

    • elizabeth

      Stella, thank you. You had more than enough skills for the job. Now you can go back to being the strong listener that you are which is great for your role with patients rather than talking about yourself!

  3. Sarah

    After being unsuccessful in a range of interviews over the past few years, my confidence and self-esteem were at an all time low. I recognised I need to take action to change my work life if I was going to develop my career. I had heard a great deal about coaching to help people achieve their goals but did not have anyone who came recommended to me. After spending a long time searching the internet, I contacted Elizabeth for assistance. By this time, I was applying for a post and needed some urgent help.
    Elizabeth’s response was fantastic. Every email was responded to on the same day, my queries were answered and she very kindly manage to help me at short notice.
    I can honestly say, this is my first experience of having a coach and I cannot recommend it enough. In such a short time, Elizabeth had identified the problem and we began working on it instantly. Her intuition, insight and communication skills are second to none. In 3 hours I learnt more about myself, my abilities, strengths etc than I have attending numerous courses. Not to mention the rapport between us was instant.
    I was shortlisted and offered the job – which I accepted. SUCCESS!I will not stop there as I also recognise the value of ongoing coaching, which is my next step.
    I cannot recommend Elizabeth highly enough. This was money truly well invested.
    Thank you Elizabeth and see you soon.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Sarah for such generous comments. You remind me about why I love my job. Enjoy your new role.

  4. Muna

    Elizabeth is a star! At the last minute I booked a 2-hour session with Elizabeth in preparation for three interviews I had coming up. The interviews went very well, her strategy was extremely helpful especially in preventing me from having blank moments right after a question. The preparation process she taught me also gave me great confidence as I felt that the examples I had prepared could answer many questions,also I definitely prefer the CARE structure to STAR. I received offers from all three!! YEAY! Thank you Elizabeth, I will certainly contact you again in the future.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Muna. It always makes my day when I hear the success stories. I great result from just one session! It just goes to show it is all about the right preparation. Enjoy the new job.

  5. Luke Scofield

    Prior to working with Elizabeth I really struggled with job interviews. I was nervous and had little self confidence when it came to job interviews. Elizabeth’s coaching completely changed that. She showed me different ways of preparing for interviews and conducting yourself to convince the interviewer that you are the right candidate for the job. For that I am extremely grateful. I would definitely recommend Elizabeth’s coaching to anyone who is looking to improve and develop their interview skills to enhance their job prospects.

    • elizabeth

      Luke thank you. It just proves that if you believe in yourself you can do anything. You’ve got lots of skills, aim high and you’ll get there.

  6. Tom B

    Many thanks to Elizabeth who helped me with my interview technique which included verbal style and body langauge. The practice sessions and preparation meant that I ‘hit the ground running’ at the start of the interview and had lots of energy. The result was that I got a job where there was very stiff competition. I’d definitely recommend Elizabeth to anyone seeking to perform well in an interview situation and maximise their chances. I’d especially recommend the 1-2-1 / face-to-face sessions – I felt I built a rapport with Elizabeth immediately and she has lots of useful insights into competency based interviews. Thank you!

    • elizabeth

      Tom many thanks. You had a tough competency interview and the preparation you put in really paid off. Preparation makes the difference and differentiates one candidate from another. I couldn’t be more pleased for you.

  7. Rob

    Just a quick note to thank Elizabeth for all her help in preparing me for my interview. It helped enormously and I would (and have) recommended this to anyone who wishes to get the job they want. The preparation gave me the edge, I believe, in allowing me to feel confident and relaxed and able to perform to the best of my abilities. Thanks again, Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Rob. You did all the hard work and totally deserve the job. It was a long process. I know it will go well for you.

  8. Pooja gulati

    Just wanted to say a big thank you to you and your hard work Elizabeth. I was struggling with my interview skills while I was going for interviews. I came across your website and I contacted you for interview advice and help. Thank you so much for fitting me in such short notice and helping me to achieve my potential you have done a great job.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Pooja, you’re very welcome. The fact we turned your situation around so quickly shows that you had all the skills for job but just needed a little help to get this across. I’m sure your new job will go well.

  9. Pilot

    I was not contemplating a service like this, nor was I even aware it existed, but after a recommendation from a colleague I thought I’d try it. Elizabeth was fantastic, it’s a very useful way to achieve a new outlook on how you come across in front of an interview panel, and to add that extra finesse to your performance. I’d thoroughly recommend it to anyone attending an interview, even if you feel reasonably confident already. Thanks again!

    • elizabeth

      It was a pleasure working with you and helping you achieve your next step. You can’t get much better than BA!

  10. Ali

    I would definitely recommend Elizabeth. Having experienced multiple failed vacation scheme interviews at law firms last year, I was in certain need of interview training tailored to my specific areas of weakness. Elizabeth was able to target these precisely, helping me to better convey outward enthusiasm and to speak more clearly, both in an interview setting and in speaking in general. Indeed, the advice she lent me is applicable as much to everyday situations as to job-hunting.

    With her help, I was able to pass the two interviews necessary to secure a full-time graduate scheme in Deloitte’s Audit department. I know I wouldn’t hesitate to call upon her again for future interview endeavours, at any level.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you. You did fantastically well and the practice paid off. Deloitte are a challenging company to join. I know you’ll enjoy and get the most out of the opportunity.


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