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  1. Emmanuela

    I am very grateful to Elizabeth for helping me fine-tune my interview skills. She is very experienced, knows the field extremely well, and inspired confidence to me from the first few minutes.

    I contacted Elizabeth after having a disappointing interview experience, which left me wondering what I was doing wrong. I had two hours of coaching with her, followed by a day of intensive preparation according to her instructions. I am proud to say I went on to have a very positive interview experience and the job of my dreams!

    I wish I had contacted her earlier – it would have saved me so much stress and self-doubt.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Emmanueala, I was so delighted for you. You went into the interview not expected to get it and you did after just one session together. It highlights for me that the key to interview success is not the session with me but the time clients put in after the session. Well done, I know how hard you worked.

  2. Adam Lacey

    I really enjoyed Elizabeth’s coaching style and learnt a great deal from the sessions. Our focus was on answering competency based questions, and I found that even though I had taken quite a number of competency based interviews, I still had quite a bit to learn about how to properly master them. Elizabeth was a great help in achieving that goal.

    • elizabeth

      Adam thank you. I know how frustrating it was for you that you didn’t get the competency based interview questions that you were expectating but fantastic that you did so well anyway. I think the Civil Service competency interviews are the hardest and once you had prepared for it you were actually prepared for anything. Enjoy the new role.

  3. Golnaz

    Elizabeth is a fab coach. I could build up my confidence and interviews techniques.
    She was very supportive.Thanks to her.
    After my session with her, I could pass several jobs interviews ang got my job at the end 🙂

    • elizabeth

      Hi Golnaz, I think the Childrens Centre are lucky to have found you. I really hope that this success will grow your confidence and encourage you to use your qualifications to the full and reach your potential.

  4. elizabeth

    Hi Sara, it’s been lovely to be your mentor and work together to start a new career. At times, you may have felt like it was impossible dream but you’ve made it! I’m so excited for you. Now you jsut need to show them what you’re capable of. Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.

  5. Sara

    Elizabeth is brilliant and can’t thank her enough for helping with my confidence and helping me get the job I wanted. She helped me to overcome nerves and how to apply body language. Thank you Elizabeth

  6. Stefadian horne

    I can’t thank Elizabeth enough for her coaching, thanks to her I got the job I wanted! The sessions were full of lightbulb moments and her support was down to the finest details, from preparing a really good cv that got me the interview, to giving me the confidence and the right techniques for the best answers, from adopting the right body language to the style of dress I should use. The recorded sessions were very helpful and all in all it has been an incredibly helpful experience. Thank you!!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Stef, you deserve it. You put all the work into getting this job and got it. Well done, and it was your first application! I hope you can now believe how valuable your skills are.

  7. Louise

    Elizabeth helped me to compose myself for an interview; formulate answers for certain interview questions; and gave me confidence.
    I fully recommend her guidance.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Louise, I think you have naturally strong communication skills. You felt disadvantaged working part-time and I was able to give you the extra confidence you needed for the interview. Fantastic result. I’m so pleased for you.

  8. Ian Lloyd

    My son Alec is a fairly “private” 22 year old. A Graduate in Business and Marketing but had a limited outlook when it came to job hunting. He has had a number of interviews but doesn’t pass to the 2nd or 3rd.

    I found Elizabeth online then researched her credentials. She appeared to be the person for him. The sessions with Elizabeth have brought him out of himself, she has explained how to interview, eye contact, correctly dressed that sort of thing. She explained how to write a good CV, how to research the job position and to be able to focus his applications around the position.

    All the things that a Dad can’t seem to explain to a son who feels that help is not required.

    He had a number of face to face sessions and a Skype session with Elizabeth. He seems a different person ! A lot more drive and focus, more conversation about what he is doing and more open to Dad’s comments and discussions about jobs and life in general.

    Alec now has a junior management role with a major retailer, he is involved with the company charity, the “youth voice” peer group and is now moving forwards.

    If your son or daughter lacks that bit of drive or perhaps doesn’t know “which way to go”, try Elizabeth, she knows what she is doing and does it very well…………thank you Elizabeth

    • elizabeth

      Hi Ian, the difference was really apparent to me in the last coaching session I had with Alec. He had taken on board my feedback and was actively looking to see how he could substantiate his experience for an interview and seemed so motivated. I am so pleased he got the position he wanted. He demonstrates what can be achieved with clear direction and drive. I’m sure he’ll continue to do well.

  9. Emma

    I was recommended Elizabeth’s services by a friend of mine, and it is with absolutely no hesitation that I would recommend her to anyone preparing for an interview.
    I had two sessions with Elizabeth prior to my interview. She is incredibly well organised and was able to fit me in at very short notice. Unfortunately due to my work commitments I was not able to meet with her face to face, however the skype sessions worked really well. Elizabeth was very well prepared, with materials to show me at the ready.
    Her coaching style is encouraging, yet honest. She quickly identified my areas for improvement and used the time wisely to focus on these. She provided very clear explanations as to how behavioural interviews are scored, most commonly asked questions, how to identify possible questions based on the role description as well as tips for preparing effectively in your own time.
    I honestly can’t thank Elizabeth enough. The sessions ensured I went into my interviews confident and prepared, and resulted in me being offered the role.
    Thank you Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Emma, thanks. I’m so glad that you feel the coaching made a difference. You’ve got a great job ahead of you. I feel excited for you! Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.

  10. Fraser Cooper

    Well what can I say! The time that I spent with Elizabeth changed how I approach an interview enormously. I had an interview with easyJet to become a pilot for them in March 2014 and I was unsuccessful. I was fortunate enough to be given another opportunity to interview with them in April 2015.

    Before my second interview I knew I had to improve my interview skills. Knowing what to expect was very helpful, competency based questions! Elizabeth has lots of experience when it comes to airlines interviews and she pointed me in the right direction in what and how to present my answers.

    Highly Recommend. I owe it all to her for my new Job at easyJet!

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Fraser. You did the hard work and it paid off. Easy Jet this year and BA in three years!


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