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  1. Sarah Javaid

    Just want to say a big thank you to Elizabeth for all the useful hints and tips. The face to face coaching was brilliant, I was expecting a serious person to tell me how rubbish I was. But Elizabeth was very pleasant and she put me immediately at ease which made the coaching much more interesting. Skype session was very useful for me and hearing myself back helped me alter the way I was answering questions and adjust my tone of voice.The Interview panel was blown away by the way I presented myself and answered the questions, I was successful In getting the job. I couldn’t have done it without the extra help from Elizabeth. If you have an interview coming up as this will increase your chances of success.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Sarah, many thanks. You were doing the job so had all the experience you needed. It was just about learning how to tackle the competency questions which you clearly did very well. I am glad you got the promotion you deserved.

  2. A Patel

    I thoroughly recommend Elizabeth. Elizabeth immediately recognised where I was making errors in my interview preparation and after having coaching sessions, moral support and such excellent, useful and encouraging help and guidance, Elizabeth completely changed my interview techniques, enabling me to secure a renowned graduate role. I am so happy to have approached Elizabeth, who has helped me to have more confidence and changed my perspective towards interviews. Thank you so very much for such wonderful guidance and coaching!

    • elizabeth

      Avni, I am so pleased for you. You can now pursue what you really want to do instead of accepting second best. Thank you for your generous feedback.

  3. Henry

    I would like to start my feedback by saying that Elizabeth’s one-to-one interview coaching sessions are worth every penny!

    By the time I decided to enlist her help I was in a very dark place, I was a desperate and depressed man. I had reached a point where every interview opportunity was a nightmare situation. However, during the one-to-one session she was able to pin point areas where I was going wrong and told me precisely what I needed to do in order to improve my chances at the next job interview.

    What I really liked about her session was her honesty, she told me what I needed to hear! some times the truth hurts but doing the opposite would have been a disservice to me, even though I didn’t get the job offer immediately following coaching session, the good seed had been planted nevertheless, in my case it was third time lucky! I finally landed my dream job, which I started at the beginning of September.

    And one more thing, during the initial consultation, I informed her that I was unemployed and surviving on limited resources, however, she was kind enough to accommodate my situation at a reduced rate. I have nothing but massive praise for Elizabeth Conley!

    • elizabeth

      Thank you Henry. You made me laugh. It was tough love! I am glad it has all worked out well for you. Enjoy the new role.

  4. James

    I was looking for the second job in my career and realised I had never had a professional interview before – so I had two sessions with Elizabeth before my panel interview (over Skype and in person). Videoing our sessions was especially helpful. I was offered the job and in the feedback they gave me I was told I had scored the highest of all the candidates! Without Elizabeth’s methodical coaching and experienced approach I would never have known how to present myself, how the job description should be analysed in preparation for the interview and how to give full answers for competency based questions. Reading blogs and looking at YouTube videos is just inadequate and misleading.

    I would highly recommend Elizabeth and I have no doubt I will call on her services again. Thank you Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      James thank you. I know you’ll do a great job and clearly the interviewers could see this too. Enjoy the role.

  5. gary chow

    I had a great experience and particularly enjoyed the video sessions. I felt encouraged and motivated. Elizabeth has changed how I feel about job interviews for the better.

    • elizabeth

      Many thanks Gary. You were a good communicator already and we just worked on making subtle changes to stand out in a tough competency interview. I know you put a lot of time into the preparation and I’m so pleased it paid off for you.

  6. Sophia Anwar

    I would like to say a big thank you to Elizabeth for helping me to succeed in finding a suitable position.
    I contacted Elizabeth as I desperately needed to move from my temporary position as a pharmacist to a permanent post. I had been searching for over a year and had applied for numerous jobs- I always managed to get an interview but failed to attend on every occassion…. due to anxiety and not believing in myself… it had turned into a vicious cycle.
    Elizabeth simplified everything and taught me how to prepare for my next interview and build on my confidence. I had a few struggles along the way and did not have time to have face to face interview with Elizabeth.
    However, with the support of Elizabeth, I actually made it to the interview! Unfortunately, despite getting excellent feedback on my interview, I came a close second to getting the job, but did not get offered the post.
    I applied for a second job- which comprised two
    separate interviews- a technical interview and a value based interview. I applied everything Elizabeth taught me, and was offered the post! I am still shocked! This was all in an matter of two months!
    I still need to work on my self belief, but feel confident in preparing for and attending interviews. I definitely do not have the same level of anxiety and understand the process far better.
    I also learned a great deal about myself in this process and actually look forward to my next interview (maybe next year) and would recommend Elizabeth highly. The support she provided was clear, effective and personable. Elizabeth is brilliant at recognising an individual’s needs and tailoring the support specifically to achieve their goals, including taking into account their current commitments and time constraints.
    As someone who works for the NHS, providing a high quality service is a key goal for me and I would say that the service Elizabeth has provided me with is of a very high quality and comes highly recommended.
    Thank you again Elizabeth for your excellent advice support and care.


    • elizabeth

      Thank you for your generous comments. You did all the hard work and were actually fantastic all along but had just got into a cycle of self-doubt. I’m so pleased that you got the job you deserve and can use this experience to grow your confidence.

  7. Jennifer

    I was transitioning from a technical role to a senior executive role. A session with Elizabeth helped me to articulate my experience as well as gain much needed confidence! Thank you again and would highly recommend you!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Jennifer, it was a pleasure to work with you on Skype. A boost of confidence is all that was needed. Well done.

  8. Shaun

    I contacted Elizabeth specifically to give me confidence in answering competency style questions in an interview. I really struggled with this aspect of an interview and although I was familar with the STAR format I was unable to make this work for me.
    I was impressed with Elizabeth’s coaching style and willingness to help me ensure I used my strengths to overcome this personal barrier. I have just had 2 job offers in the same week and can honestly say Elizabeth has helped to give me the confidence in myself to achieve and overcome my personal barriers.
    Thank you again Elizabeth

    • elizabeth

      Shaun, I’m so pleased for yuo. You’ve done so well. 2 job offers in 1 week! You cracked the competency based interview approach and let your personality shine through. Enjoy the new role.

  9. Joan

    I had two sessions with Elizabeth. They were truly excellent and really boosted my confidence for the interview. I was preparing for an interview for an academic position and she knew exactly what was required. I felt so prepared going into the interview that I really flew through it. I got the promotion and I thanks to Elizabeth I did the best interview I possibly could.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Joan, thank you. Your success in the interview demonstrates for me the importance of taking a focused approach. It was an excellent match of competencies versus your experience. We just had to work on getting this across to the panel in the interview with relevant stories and confident body language which you did. Well done!

  10. Anna

    I contacted Elizabeth when I was preparing for my first UK interview in banking sector. As an international student, I wasn’t really familiar with the procedures and also quite nervous about my upcoming interview. I did three sessions with Elizabeth (one before every round) and got the job in the end!

    Elizabeth made me feel so much more comfortable about my skills and gave honest feedback. My communication style changed enormously just in three sessions and Elizabeth boosted my confidence – I was absolutely the best possible version of myself in the interviews, thanks to her. Our sessions were tailored to my needs and the exercises were extremely useful. We practised competency based questions, technical questions and polished up my answers to personal and motivational questions.

    I would highly recommend coaching as it made a huge difference to my interview skills.

    • elizabeth

      Anna, thank you. You did really well. It was a long process but worth it in the end. It’s a fantastic start for you and will open up many opportunities. You can now focus on your dissertation.


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