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  1. Anastasiia

    To get a job in the UK being a non-European citizen is really tough. You have to be incredibly good at the interview as you need to convince a company that you are worth of their visa sponsorship, that you are better than British and European applicants for this position. I have been job hunting for two years unsuccessfully and my confidence got close to zero. I was about to give up. Interview coaching with Elizabeth was a life saver. After only 2 hour session with Elizabeth I was able to pass successfully interviews in two amazing companies, but, unfortunately, even though they were impressed with my interview performance, they could not sponsor my visa for different reasons. So I had to continue my job search and hope for the best. And recently I got invited to the assessment centre at the massively successful company. Assessment centre included written, group and presentation exercises, along with final interview with senior executive. I decided to seek for Elizabeth’s help again. First of all, her advice on group and written exercises was incredibly helpful. I have been given a feedback by the assessors saying that I did exceptionally well during those parts of the AC. In addition, during the 2 hour presentation coaching session Elizabeth helped me to bring the best out of my presentation. Elizabeth not only taught me how to deliver the presentation, she even helped to restructure it and basically rewrite some bits. Today I got a call from the senior executive, saying that they are happy to give me an offer and sponsor my visa. Obviously, everything now depends on whether the UK home office will approve my visa application, but anyway, because of Elizabeth’s coaching, now I have a real chance to get a new job in England. 2 sessions with Elizabeth were a life changers. She helped me not only during our meetings, but even spent an extra time looking for written report samples for my written exercise, and edited my presentation in her own personal time on the weekend. I am so incredibly grateful. I would 100% recommend Elizabeth’s coaching to anyone struggling with their interviews. If you really want to succeed in your next interview, book a session with Elizabeth!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Anastasiia, I’ve just sent you an email so I won’t repeat it but thank you for your generous comments. You didn’t give up but just kept on going. I’m so pleased that others recognise your potential too. 2016 is going to be your year!

  2. Hammad

    Having failed a similar competency based interview I thought it would be a good idea to get some coaching. Elizabeth was fantastic, preparing me just in two sessions! She really helped me prepare some good examples and improve my confidence. Thank you very much Elizabeth! I got an offer and the hard work with Elizabeth paid off!

    • elizabeth

      Hi Hammad, I am so pleased for you. I know that you and your parents must be feeling chuffed. It’s such a fantastic opportunity for you. Now you can just focus on your exams knowing that the next stage is sorted for you. Well done!

  3. Lola

    A big thank you to Elizabeth for the coaching. It has definitely helped me in terms of approaching my interviews in this economically challenging environment. I was going through many interviews and somehow, I wasn’t getting the job. Despite thinking I had adequate preparation, I soon realised something wasn’t right and I decided to seek help.

    I had two consultations with her, phone and face-to-face. I enjoyed the sessions as I find them very productive. Elizabeth corrected my gestures, approach and guided me into providing relevant answers to the questions asked. I took upon her advice and built my interview approach accordingly. I have since found a job with an organisation that I want to be with. I’m very grateful to her for assisting me with this journey.

    However, a piece of advice for all job-seekers out there, do maintain a positive mindset mindfully, no matter how tough it may seem and you will get there.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Lola, many thanks for your comments. You absolutely right, keeping a positive mindset is essential whilst job hunting otherwise a dip in confidence can start to show in the body language. You set your goal high depsite some setbacks and have now achieved the role you wanted. Enjoy the job.

  4. Min

    I am an international student, English is my second language and spent two hours to have interview coaching session with Elizabeth. At first, I was really worried about my language may block me to carry on the coaching session, but Elizabeth help me analyse my individual experience and the possible interview problem, give me the focus of answers of the interview question. She also encourage me to be confident with my language, and show my confidence to the interviewer. Now I get the job by practise and coaching session. The coaching was worth doing. I am very glad even it is just a part-time job position not graduate job. I hope I will get more help from her in my future possible job. I would recommend Elizabeth to anyone, thank you again for your help, Elizabeth.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Min, Well done. You see having perfect grammar is not as important as you think. They just wanted to get to know you and be sure you could do the job. Enjoy it.

  5. Ruth

    Thank you very much Elizabeth for seeing me at such short notice, and taking the time to coach me on the points I needed to improve on. I was successful in my interview, and got my dream job. Prior to this I had failed in eleven interviews, and was really loosing my self-confidence. The coaching was very precise, and Elizabeth used industry tested methods, but customised them to suit the needs of the person. She has a very soothing voice, and makes you feel completely as ease. The money is well worth it, however I feel planning well in advance, and having a couple of sessions will guarantee success. Getting a job is much harder now, due to the fact that so many people apply for the same jobs. However by having someone like Elizabeth on your side, the battle is sure to be won.Truly grateful, and thank you once again.

    • elizabeth

      Thank you. Once you understand how to prepare stories in depth to match the Civil Service Competency framework you ‘nailed’ the interview. Now your comfidence and career can grow.

  6. Lisa

    I turned to Elizabeth for help with my interview technique when I got shortlisted for a job I really wanted. I had been unsuccessful in the past and my confidence was at an all time low. In all I had 3 Skype sessions with Elizabeth, which helped me identify where I had previously gone wrong and develop the skills I needed to interview successfully. The outcome – I GOT THE JOB! The preparation with Elizabeth was invaluable.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Lisa, I’m so pleased that the coaching made a difference. You knew you could do the job and coaching just helped you to promote yourself a little more. You clearly stood out from the competition!

  7. Ruma

    After failing three interviews, I turned to Elizabeth three days before my interview. In a hour coaching session over skype Elizabeth prepared and taught me how to answer possible interview questions. The coaching was really helpful in terms of supporting me in gaining confidence and showing me the way questions should be answered. Money was well spent as I finally got the job that I wanted. Thank you so much Elizabeth for your support and confidence in me. I would recommend Elizabeth to anyone who wants to succeed in an interview.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Ruma, thank you. It was a great result for you. It really demonstrates the importance of preparing in the right way. You may have only had an hour Skype but you then took the time to follow the techniques. This takes trust and hard work. Enjoy the new job.

  8. Camelia

    I totally recommend Elizabeth, she is a great interview coach. I had a first session with her, face to face, and soon after I have received an offer, after falling lots of interviews. With her help and the recorded mock interview, I was able to see my mistakes and worked to improve my technique.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Camelia, I so pleased that you succeeded so quickly. I’m sure you’ll love being in a new environment with different challenges. Sometimes a change is just what we all need.

  9. Adrienne

    I found Elizabeth’s professionalism, wealth of experience, personal warmth, and consummate skill enormously helpful to rebuild my confidence and presentation at interview. She worked with me to understand my experiences and performance issues at interview, and to build, practically and emotionally, the mindset and techniques to project myself positively, and frame my experience and skills in a convincing and engaging way. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

    • elizabeth

      Hi Adrienne, thank you. It was a pleasure working toghether. The new job will grow your confidence even more. I know you can go even further!

  10. Jane

    Elizabeth’s help and advice for my interview was invaluable. Her feedback and guidance was spot on and really helped me to both understand the mechanics of the interview as well as build up my confidence for the interview. The work Elizabeth did with me was very constructive without being critical and I believe was instrumental in helping me to get the job.

    • elizabeth

      Thanks Jane. I know how much work you put into the preparation and I’m so pleased for you that it paid off.


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